Its Official . . .

Amanda is smarter than me.

Quantitative – 520
Verbal – 650
Essay – waiting


Quantitative – 520
Verbal – 520
Analytical – 670

Proof that Amand is smarter than me. Even after being out of school for 8 years, she scored higher than me.

hehe, we started looking at graduate schools for Library and Information Science. The admission policies all state she had to get over a 1000, some only 850, but here is the catch, she only needs to score above 1000 if she had not maintained a 3.0 in her last two years of school. She held at least a 3.6 through her undergraduate courses, so she has exceeded the qualifications. All this from a woman who thought she was ignorant. Blasphemy.

Now I have to make sure she doesnt get a big head about it.


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0 Responses to Its Official . . .

  1. mayfly says:

    I always wanted to be a librarian. But all I’ll ever get to do is wear librarian glasses… P.S. Congrats on your scores, A! 🙂

  2. girlbean says:

    Amanda? Ignorant? Talk about selling yourself short! If GRE scores are an accurate measure of intelligence, then she and I are of comparable smartness. Somehow, though, I scored higher on the math than on the verbal. Like, way higher.

  3. mayfly says:

    Yeah, um, my WORST score was verbal. My highest was analytical. Quantitative fell in between. Hello, GRE! I’m supposed to be a writer!

  4. girlbean says:

    Me too! I’m a freaking English major! And I even studied for the verbal!

  5. mealymel says:

    my verbal has always been highest… let’s not discuss the quantitative. however, last time i took it the analytical switched to the essay writing, and I made a perfect 6. Ha ha. Go figure. Good job Amanda! I always knew she was smarter than you anyway, Wilbur. And you can tell her I said that.