As my parents repair the damage to their homes, Amanda and I have finally found a place to call home. Ronnie is currently and slowly moving in, and you may be familiar with the old tenants, friends of David. We will try our best to keep the landlord happy while doing some minor repairs to the house.
After sleeping in hotel rooms and other people’s beds for the last month and a half, it is a little odd to finally be in a place that you call your own.
Our own mattress should be arriving any day now. Because of the overwhelming purchases of new mattresses and the lack of drivers, the mattress has been delayed repeatedly. Amanda and I are currently sleeping on a double bed loaned to us by her Aunt, who also loaned us a dinner table, six chairs, and a comfortable round chair (which I dont know what the name is).
Moving in with Ronnie may be the medicine I need. His pragmatic stoicism along with his humor has helped me maintain some composure. Amanda has also pushed me to not succumb to a deep depression. I have to remain strong for her, and she has to for me. I have to stay focused on the thesis, so I dont drift off.
glad to hear things are finally coming together. is it a papasan chair? [img:b0793aa818][/img:b0793aa818]