So with teaching out of the way and school finished . . . . I have decided to destroy this website, heheh.

I will be making serious changes in the next few months as time permits to the website.

Things I am working on:

    redesign of Happypoet and Boards (maybe Little Black Book and Full Disclosure)
    update WP and PHPBB (maybe get rid of PHPBB if I can get BBpress to do what I want.)
    fix the integration
    create the community site(I have been talking about)
    Fix Ramke’s Corner

So if things dont work one day, then try again later.


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0 Responses to So with teaching out of the way and school finished . . . . I have decided to destroy this website, heheh.

  1. hardincomp says:

    I can’t wait to see what you do with the site.

  2. wduluoz says:

    I deleted a whole shit load of users who were non-activated for over a week. I made sure I didnt see any names out there I knew, but if you got deleted, then just re-register. wilbur ps hardincomp: dont get your hopes up too much hehe

  3. hardincomp says:

    For the new wphpbb? I disabled my forums when I moved to a new URI. It got to beeing way too much work updating the software for no traffic 🙁

  4. wduluoz says:

    I meant for hehe. Though I am going to resume work on wphpbb. I need to separate the login part, so it will be stand alone. Also want to make a slim version with only links to the forum and not pulling the comments into wp. But there is always the possibility that I figure out a better way to do this other than phpbb. wilbur

  5. girlbean says:

    Glad to see I wasn’t deleted. Hah.

  6. mealymel says:

    i’m also glad i wasn’t deleted. deletion is not a good feeling.

  7. wduluoz says:

    You guys have such low opinions of yourselves. I was deleting fake members who only wanted their urls linked. Strangely there were 100+ of them. wilbur

  8. girlbean says:

    I wish you a most happiest graduation!