The hand that bites back.

“you’re keeping in step
in the line
got your chin held high and you feel just fine
because you do
what you’re told
but inside your heart it is black and it’s hollow and it’s cold

just how deep do you believe?
will you bite the hand that feeds?
will you chew until it bleeds?
can you get up off your knees?
are you brave enough to see?
do you want to change it?

what if this whole crusade’s
a charade
and behind it all there’s a price to be paid
for the blood
on which we dine
justified in the name of the holy and the divine

just how deep do you believe?
will you bite the hand that feeds?
will you chew until it bleeds?
can you get up off your knees?
are you brave enough to see?
do you want to change it?

so naive
to keep holding on to what I want to believe
i can see
but i keep holding on and on and on and on

will you bite the hand that feeds you?
will you stay down on your knees?”

Ok so we have heard the song numerous times. These are the lyrics stolen from Daps Lyrics.

Can we see an overall message? Well Ronnie has and I have proof to back him up. Ronnie sees an anti-religious message within the song similiar to “Heretic”.

What evidence do we have for this?

Lexical (Semantic) Domains of religion and Catholicism link most of the lines with the song.

holy, divine, blood, crusade, believe, hand, heart, high, knees, see . . .

So what is Trent saying in the song. The people are in line, then on their knees, being fed something, which later is said to be blood, which they dine, justified by the name of the holy and the divine. The people are being given communion.
Later after saying he is one of them with the use of “we”, says “so naive / to keep holding on to what I want to believe”. Here he is calling people who practice in this “charade”, which is religion, are “naive” as he is and should “bite the hand that feeds” or be “brave enough to see” the charade and so forth.

More on this later.

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