Its going to be a fun semester . . . . hehe

I am going to be teaching a lot this semester, but what’s that I hear? You want to know how last semester went.

Well . . .

The session went well. I didnt push as hard as I should have, but with one student, its hard to punish if the student didnt do the work on time or at all.  A lot of changing the lessons to match the student’s needs.

I am teaching for both the IEP (Intensive English Program) and the English Department at UL. It will be interesting. Here is my schedule:


8-8:50am – English 101

9am-1pm – IEP (Level 4 and 5) (5 days a week, MTWTF)
1:30 – 3pm English 101 (Only MW)


IEP then

6-9pm English 360

It will be interesting to jump from students who do not know English to students who should know English.


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0 Responses to Its going to be a fun semester . . . . hehe

  1. mealymel says:

    not teaching at slcc? i’m sad i’m not at ull anymore. we could hang out in our offices and stuff.

  2. mayfly says:

    i like how you wrote, "it’ll be interesting to switch from students who don’t know english to students who should know english." your choice there of the hypothetical tense ("should" is hypothetical, huh?) belies a certain veteran instructor cynicism. 😉