Happy Birthday to me Happy Birthday to me Happy Birthday dear Wilbur

I am thirty years old today. I have lived a generation. They are trying to rename my generation that of the 24-29 year olds. They believe we do not want to grow up. Mother says that my father didnt grow up until age 40, so I guess I have a few years to go. I dont want to grow up. Never did.

Well I havent yet, back to Auberdine.


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0 Responses to Happy Birthday to me Happy Birthday to me Happy Birthday dear Wilbur

  1. horselover_fat says:

    Well, that answers one of my questions. Happy Birthday. Your gift is in the, uh…mail, um. Yeah mail. Ron. Edit: D’oh!! Just realized today is tomorrow and yesterday was your birthday. Damn those night jobs. Statement still stands though.

  2. mealymel says:

    happy b-day Wilbur. A day late, but it’s the thought that counts. I hope you did more than grade papers. Mel

  3. girlbean says:

    WOO HOO WILBUR! Happy belated birthday! Brandon is fond of saying that 30 is the new 21 (probably because he is about to turn 31 himself next week). So it’s ok to take as long as necessary to do whatcha gotta do. I know I will. WOO HOO WILBUR!

  4. arglor says:

    auberdine eh? sly little man… i think only one person got it and that was me… hmm i wished you a happy birthday in person several times… etc… so you get no more from me.. words are precious..