Just another Happypoet.com site

The dreaded unpaid workshops! We spent all day revisiting (as my supervisor loves to say) Reading First guidelines and GLE (new name for Benchmarks and if no one knows what the old name means–What the child is suppose to learn in every area of subject matter in their grade level….ie Grade Level Expectations…) If nothing else, Education can come up with more different names for the same thing than any other occupation. I guess we have to keep people from realizing that we are still teaching what was the called …”the basics” plus the big people may think it will give us a better reputation…As a lowly teacher, I think it is just a farce and frankly I am tired of it. Just because you give it a new name, does not make it work better. Sometimes it was working very well to start out with.
I hope my new year and new occupation fulfills my dream. I want a year that I can teach and enjoy teaching again. It does not matter to me that I am working with the weaker children. It just matters that I do not have to give up my free time to prepare to work with the children. I am anxious to have a fun year. It sounds like it could be and it started out like it would be.
The only hitch I have is getting my room ready. I had problems getting my room ready to fix. The lady who had the room before would not come and get her things moved. Therefore, I packed all her things except one cabinet and stuck them in the hall. }:-@ I do not want to give my weekend up to get it ready. So I will have to work very hard on Monday and Tuesday to do that. We are suppose to start working with the kids on Wednesday.
The job I will be doing will not be hard at all. I will have my lesson plans done at school, and will have no problem with implementing them. It is just getting everything ready and nice looking for the kids.

August 14th, 2004 at 2:24 pm

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