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I was informed this week, that I was very lax on writing. It was nice to know that I was missed. Things have been very interesting, but extremely taxing on this poor ole soul.
We tested the entire week Sept. 13 thru 17. The first three days, we tested, then we spent the rest if the week, looking at results, and re-grouping accordingly. I now have a different schedule and roughly different groups. My groups are as follows:
K- This is a cute group of kids. Two of them are in there because they just did not understand how to take the test. I feel they will progress well and will not be left behind. The other three will benefit dramatically with extra assistance. One may have problems, because he has missed too much school already.
1st grade- In this group, I had four children that were performing moderately low. (One was special ed.) One child should not have been with this group. She did not know her letters at all. We moved her to another group where she could be worked with more independently. I received another student who will perform better with this group.
2nd grade- This is a very diverse group. (Their commonality is that they are all in special ed. with learning disabilities.) I have one child in 2nd that is performing on the first grade level in some respects especially in reading. One is possibly performing on his level. I will try to put him in a new book and see how he does. The third is a child in fourth grade. I put him in here so that I could work with him as much as possible at the third grade level and allow him to have some success, by being my helper.
3rd grade- I have three very distinct children here. One is silly and could perform very well if he would listen. One is a young lady that is shy. She is doing very well and I have even received positive comments from the classroom teacher. The latter has the ability. Her main problem is that she has small seizures. This causes her to miss out on things in the group. She is on a new medicine, and she seems to be doing better.
Now for the final portion of my day. Ms. Moss has requested that I work with some children that need as much reading as they can get, so that they will perform better on the leap test. I have two groups of fourth graders. We read a book each week and dissect it and reread it and work on fluency. One group I worked with before and enjoyed. I added a fifth child and she can be a problem, but I think we can get along. I think she is beginning to enjoy being with us in a small group. The second group has been a “thorn in my side”. It contained two young boys that have a great deal of difficulty behaving without being silly. I also have one that has problems because he wants to be silly, too and he allows the others to distract him. Well, I am hoping that the problem has been solved. I was able to drop one of my “thorns” if I took on another child who needed extra help. This will enable me to monitor the other and keep him on task. I will keep you updated on this group. The new student and one other are really a pleasure to teach. So I would not want to quit teaching this group because of the “thorns”.
Well, I am definitely working for my money. I still enjoy this type of teaching. I love going into the two classrooms. I am in a different kindergarten class, because my teacher had trouble with the other interventionist. Since I know the teacher very well, I can deal with any problems she has with ease. In fact, I do respect her and enjoy my time in her classroom. My first grade teacher is still doing very well, except she is pregnant. I feel like her mother, because she is constantly asking me motherly questions. It amuses me. I guess I finally have the daughter I always wanted without the headaches.
We had to stop teaching one day last week to “progress monitor”. I felt it was too soon, but of course I am not the boss. This is what happens when the federal government is involved. Until the next time.

October 16th, 2004 at 12:20 pm
One Response to “Update on my school year”
  1. 1
    arglor Says:

    you have all these little organizations working.. they are like small versions of our society… i often wonder what you mean by they act silly? i don’t know many kids but i thought kids didn’t act silly anymore.. i thought they were rude obnoxious and very sarcastic…..