Just another Happypoet.com site

The world continues to go around. No matter what you think, things will continue even in a state of depression. 🙁 But life does truly go on.
David asked me how things were going in school. It was the end of a day that was not the best, but not the worst.
Once again we will be testing on Monday. This is just progress monitoring, but it causes a problem with the groups. Once again, we are facing changes. The strangest thing is that we will be monitored on the 17 thru 19, so I do hope that the new change will not cause problems.
I find that I need to find a way to assist specific children so that they can catch up with the others. Two of mine are having difficulty and need extra assistance. I just can not figure out how to find them more time.
I had a good visit with both my boys today. That always lift my spirits. It was great to see Mary.
I talked to Michelle later and found out that everything is the same and they are coming on Friday after Thanksgiving!!! Hurray!!!

November 5th, 2004 at 7:43 pm

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