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I have a vehicle! One that can take me places whenever I wish. Ha! Well, it can leave the surrounding areas without me worrying about breaking down. (I hope) Since it is a used vehicle, it is still a small worry. I had a wonderful trip to Texas to visit family and friends. I spent the night with my high school friend and enjoyed visiting with her.
I visited my aunt and found her in very good shape mentally. She has trouble with walking around because of osteoporosis. That just slows her down a great deal, but she is very mentally alert for her age. It was wonderful talking to her.
I was lucky to see her son that I had spent a great deal of time with during my childhood. He was not aware how important he was to my childhood. If it wasn’t for him, I would not have been able to attend my senior dance.
Did I say my childhood was sheltered”’ Well, let’s put it this way–a lot of women in the Victorian age were not as sheltered as I was. Thank heavens, my genes came from women who had an adventurous streak for their day, or I would have been scared of my shadow. My mother’s stepmother was a great influence on me. She made me know that no matter what happened that I could take care of myself. My mother through her assistance was able to give me the education to allow me to do what I wish.
But I digress. Bin was there in my youth and could aggravate at times, but he was my favorite cousin. I use to get angry with him, because everyone would say look how well Lloyd’s children behave. The truth of it– I knew he was not an angel. Oh, he did not misbehave in front of adults, but he was like my brother at being able to get me to do things that would get me in trouble. Of course, “Naive” was my middle name.
I was able to see another special cousin, Ken. He was Bin’s older sibling. He and I did not play much together, but he probably looked upon me as that little child. (Like my siblings did.) He, too, held a special place in my childhood. I was able to get to be with him some in my later life. It seems that cancer has entered my sphere again, through him. He is dying from lung cancer. It is has spread too far for him to have treatment.
He and his wife are very close and have come to grip with the situation. Even though the outlook is grave, they are coping well with it.
I debate whether I should attend his funeral or not. I feel that I would be more of a burden than a blessing for the family. I simply detest funerals. Mother’s Celebration of Life was so much better.
I began to start thinking the last few months and realized that in the last 14 years, I have lost 9 people that were very close to me.

July 21st, 2005 at 12:16 pm
4 Responses to “First Solo trip in years”
  1. 1
    arglor Says:

    i enjoyed your digression…..

    wow nine people? i am sorry you are losing so many people you love and care for. You still have your close family of course, and it doesn’t look like we will be going anywhere soon… oh well where is the Claudia freedom wagon going next? since you have the ability to travel by yourself now…

    drive to florida, at least thats my suggestion……

    or see henry… heh… that would be fun… ha ha…. ha..

    oh well loved reading this..

  2. 2
    DRamke Says:

    why would i go there’ it seems to attract hurricanes…nope not my cup of tea. may visit henry on the way to see pat. haven’t made up my mind and time is flying. see you soon.

  3. 3
    stryxdomina Says:

    You are now free to move about the country. Should you experience any unexpected turbulance please return to your seat and make sure your seat-belt is securely fastened. Seriously, glad you’ve got more reliable wheels. How was your visit with Bin? Where did you see him? I hope to see him myself soon. I’m going to Denver the first weekend in Aug for a wedding. I’m going to fly this time. I had a great visit with T this past weekend. We staid at a mutual friends house in Oregon. It was great to see them but it is always very hard to leave Terri 😕

  4. 4
    mayfly Says:

    sorry to hear about all the people you’ve lost.

    I debate whether I should attend his funeral or not. I feel that I would be more of a burden than a blessing for the family.

    then you shouldn’t feel obligated to go. there are only two reasons to go to a funeral: to see the dead and help along your own grieving process, or to show your support for those who were closer to the deceased. if you think your own feelings about funerals will prevent you from showing much support, then by all means you shouldn’t feel bad about grieving him from afar, in your own way, on your own.

    you have my sympathies. i, too, hate funerals… i preferred your mother’s celebration, as well. i liked hearing everyone talk about their memories.

    and yet… i wish i could have a buddhist sky funeral. they do this in tibet. put your body out on the cliffs and return a few days later to collect the bones.

    (is that too morbid????? :?)