Just another Happypoet.com site

Well, yesterday I awoke with the “creeping crud”. That was what we called it in Abbeville. Everyone was getting it and I took something to keep from getting it. Now I have it big time and no doctor to go to. I just hope that it stays away from everyone else.
We had a wonderful meal, but feeling the way I do. I could not enjoy it to the fullest. Mary acted like she was not feeling well, so I am worried that she is coming down with it. Hope that things are better tomorrow. I would like to go to Atlantic City. Not to see it, but to see the countryside. I think the snow fizzled out. Hope the parade was a good one.

November 24th, 2005 at 3:19 pm
One Response to “Happy Thanksgiving”’”
  1. 1
    stryxdomina Says:

    i assume you are home and feeling better now. I’m sorry that i’ve been out of touch. I had to work a ton to make up for my time in Tx. I actually had thanksgiving off so i went to visit Eddie lynn. no internet access but i should have called you. i’m very sorry. I hope that you had a good time with david. i’m trying to work out a trip up there. the problem is that the most time that i have off is 4 days 2 of which will be eaten up by travel. so i’m trying to decide if i can afford to fly to ny for 2 real useable days. i think i’m going to bite the bullet and do it. who knows where any of us will be next year. I think ny in the holidays is something i need to see. think david will go iceskating with me? 😕 i promise to try to call you soon. love you.