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We will be attending a meeting on the last Wednesday of April after school. At this time they will go down the list and be giving each person a job offer. We will received an official paper prior to this, telling everyone where we are on the seniority list. We will be offered a job in a specific school. (But we will only be told Classroom Teacher.) Since I am highly qualified and my certificate is in grades k-5, my job could be in any of these levels. It could even be a special education job (especially since they are in dire need of these type of teachers) as long as it is at the specified grade level. I was told by the supervisor that there will be jobs available in intervention. Say all they have left when they get to me is the special education class. I have to take it or go to the bottom of the list. I can after agreeing to take this class ask for a transfer, when a job I would like comes up. I have up to a year to try to get a transfer. We were already told also that before they offer any of us a job, they will allow the teachers in that school to move to a different grade or job if they want. For example, there are several teachers that are truly wanting to go into intervention.
Our supervisor told us that she is in the process of applying for a grant. She was told that she could not transfer the grant we have now to another school. Instead, she would have to go through the entire process again.She will not receive any official information from the Feds until June. She is trying to get three more schools in the program.
Therefore, I am still waiting to decide what I will do. I am not sure I will even know when the time comes.

January 23rd, 2006 at 5:18 pm
2 Responses to “Update on How to Blankety Blank people who are displaced!”
  1. 1
    arglor Says:

    that has to be the worse news in the world.

    i am sorry. I really am….

    I say try and find a job doing something else. Mary says “fuck the district.” If they want to screw over their teachers that bad, then go somewhere where you can find a less stressfull job.

    Maybe… I don’t know. Give me some time. I will try and come up with something.

  2. 2
    mayfly Says:

    Oh my god. That’s awful.
    Your signature is taking on this whole ironic tone…
    Is there any way you could apply to a different school district, to avoid this whole mess, perhaps closer to or in Lafayette? You know, take matters into your own hands? Just until you qualify for retirement in the state? Isn’t it only a couple of years?