February 9, 2007

A sampling of bitterwseet sorrow with a pinch of nostalgia…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 1:19 pm

I have a lot of stuff I need to do this weekend. My list of movies that i must watch has gotten longer. I’ve not seen a good movie in such a long time. Let me catalogue the movies i plan on possibly watching this weekend: (you can never strap me down to a locked in date)

1) Last King of Scotland. (I know I know, I’ve been preaching about this movie for a long time and how I need to see it. I will watch it soon.) 8/10 see later entry.
2) Pan’s Labyrinth (self-explained) 6.5/10 see later entry.
3) The Illusionist (I’ve been on the fence about this. Even if the script is bad (which I heard it may be) can Edward Norton be bad? I think not.)
4) The U.S. Vs John Lennon…. This may be on hold.
5) The Good German
6) The Painted Vale
7) The Death of Mister Lazarescu

there are more but I can’t remember them and they are currently at home SO!. I must stop.

I resurrected my past over the week. It was a gruesome process that cost me 87 dollars. I purchased a game I’ve not played for a long time, and that I had thought was lost to me due to the hurricane. Recently I learned that the discs for the game survived, but the case and manuals have been chucked (as they should have since they probably reeked of swamp sweat.)

All the same the reason for this recent project in necromancy is a direct result of the last few weeks or so. For Christmas I got FFXII, which I have to say is one of the most engaging and theatrical presentations for the final fantasy series. Meanwhile i’ve been playing FFXII and Mary has been watching me play the game and perform various other tasks*. I’ve always been enthralled with Final Fantasy Titles. The series is one of the few that makes engaging story telling linked directly with contextual game play. They are challenging and are also engaging and enjoyable.

So in my deluded vision of the present, I decided to purchase Final Fantasy V, VI, and VII. I may post a later post about my love of each game in its entirety, but that could very well alienate a large portion of my readership. Which includes maybe two or three people total? Is that even considered a readership? more like reader(s). 😉

P.S. Love note to Mary: FFV and VI are 2 player………. woot woot woot….

*Other tasks include: baking cookies and running the tv when a FMV sequence begins (rare, perhaps twice she did this), Knitting (recently given up on), Reading (!!! More about this later, she is reading a book I’ve been trying to get her to read for a long time.), watching and cuddling (very big enjoyment factor), laughing and joking about the characters on the screen (we both do that. Vaan is soooooooo Gay, not to mention ignorant. Not that there is anything wrong with the first part, but he should just come out and say it. On the other hand, the second part should be avoided), etc.

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