I am so screwed.
Well friends and family, welcome to my day in hell. I’ve gotten clogged in the lines of beurocracy.
Friday is my birthday, which means two very important deadlines come about.
First: After Friday, I will be able to rent vehicles from rental agencies without paying an under age penalty fee. WHEE!
Secondly: I need to renew my driver’s license, preferably attain a New Jersey driver’s license.
See the dilemma yet? let me lay it out for you. If I don’t renew my license, I can’t rent a car.
here comes the kicker, I can’t renew/transfer my driver’s license because I do not have a primary form of identification. WHAA!?! PRIMARY FORM OF IDENTIFICATION?!? Oh and out of state driver’s licenses are not considered primary forms of identification. Apparently the only primary form of identification I qualify for is the good ole official copy of your birth certificate. I don’t have one of those anymore. Rita came and took it from me. SO! what is a man to do?
I know I Know… fly down to Lafayette Louisiana, talk to the hospital that gave birth to me those 25 beautiful years ago, and get an “Official Copy”. Too bad I’m broke. So what use is a driver’s license? OHhhh right I cannot get on an airplane with a plane ticket I purchased because my “picture id” will be out of date……………. SOOOooooooo I’m fucked.
want to hear some more catch 22s?
So we got this holiday coming up called Christmas. I currently make just enough money to maintain all my bills and eat paycheck to paycheck. I was planning on getting a better job BEFORE Christmas so I could maintain my previous quota for gift giving, but after purchasing the flights to Louisiana and with my brother’s visit scheduled for after Christmas my slush fund for presents has deteriorated severely. SO I do in fact get a job before Christmas, but it starts so late in December that I will not receive a check before Christmas. In fact I will not receive a check before the beginning of the next month which is when rent is due. So so so so so… Christmas unf will be small and quaint. I hope my family understands that my presence (sp?) is one of my presents to them.
Oh well other then those two little quirks I’m doing very well. Michelle is coming up on the 16th. I’m excited.