November 11, 2005


Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 9:06 pm

I have just come back from an interview. I think it went well. I am really tired. My body physically aches. I wanted to go watch a movie, but i’m afraid i will not have the strength. So i will stay home.

Tomorrow Michael and Michelle are driving a whole three hours to hang out. I wish we still had a car so we could meet somewhere in the center, but no car means no transportation for us. The good news is we are all going to New York to hang out. I can’t wait to talk to Mike again. It will be nice to see a friendly face that i actually have things in common with.

I am wiped out. Saturday i go to DnD. Job news: no updates other then the interview. we will see

3 Responses to “tonight”

  1. snaars Says:

    well, we made it back okay. Took about two and a quarter hours. go figure. still embarassed about how long it took us to get there. we had a great time. we should do it again soon.

  2. arglor Says:

    awesome i’m pleased that you made it safe and sound. Mary and I enjoyed having you up here, and as stated we hope to do this again soon. perhaps we can go to another eating establishment in Hoboken, there are tons and Mary and I have gotten a bit bored of going around by ourselves.

  3. mayfly Says:

    :..( what a boring old couple we are. i thought we just discovered delivery. but. you know.