Yes. I broke my cell phone. Dropped it in an inch deep pool of water.
it sustained survival far longer then anticipated, but that just bred false hope. Pretty soon it didn’t respond to any stimuli. It was dead.
Funerals will be held in the catholic church in the center of Abbeville, you can all prepare words and condolences. I will miss the cell phone, and the fifty dollars required for replacement charges.
In another world i would have had to pay 300 dollars. In yet another world i’d have been more carefull with my cell phone. In yet another world I would not exist.
I graduated yesterday. It was fun, lets do it again some time ;).
I visited with Michael and Michelle’s family after the graduation. Tentative plans to watch crash again with him next monday. I might ask him if we can watch Star Wars III instead.*
Going to a hotel room with Mary. It is an expensive hotel room with a jacuzzi (spelling unknown). Sounds like fun eh? eat your heart out.
The full consequences to the cell phone death, this means that i will need to p.m. you guys and get information from you again. Greydon, Michael, and Ronnie specifically. Lydia if possible, but she never checks this thing.
(watch Crash if you guys can, its a really good movie)