i’m not the biggest fan of the substance.. as most of my friends can attest i don’t drink a lot.. in fact i drink rarely if at all..
this comes as a problem at parties when everyone is drinking and i am … not…
but i have methods… devices i use… i’m a common modern day batman in the social situation with comments ranging from, “but i’d rather not right now…” to “well you see i’m driving home tonight…” even including the devious, “Mary has a much sharper pallet then i and therefore can appretiate it a lot more…”
To be frank, they always sound weak and childish at the time. Perhaps batman is a bad comparrison. Robin might be better. I do so wish i were batman.
I have discovered a liar in my midst. Mary has “claimed” to be a fancier of peter jackson’s films, but this is but a lie. She hates… nay detestes the films on the front of it. She has the images of what the books are, and apparently can’t wrap her head around peter jackson’s interpretations.
They are interpretations, of course. More like works inspired by tolkien’s novels. They are not in fact close to the works themselves. Where there was fantasy and heroism, there is now shock antics and melodrama. Is this all together bad?
I say nay friend. In the end, i love Lord of the Rings as a book. If it were to have been made into a movie, i’d have died from sheer impact as the information was lobbed at my head. The books were so fucking dense with material, if there wasn’t the hyped up suspense i’d probably have fallen asleep. (Star Wars episode One anyone?, come on you spend the whole movie snoring until the pod racing… then snore snore snore.. lightsaber dual… snore snore snore…. or maybe that was just me and trey)
I digress. The last two days have been hell. I’ve been scrambling putting my thoughts on paper. Two drafts of my paper were trashed, six pages and four pages respectively. I know what i’m arguing, it is just expressing it such that it doesn’t come off canned and rehearsed. Not to mention logical. the arguments are not the most logical i’ve ever created. I’m having problems organizing my thoughts because this might be the last paper i do for a bit. i kind of feel giddy about the notion of never writing a paper again. is that wrong?
I do not know.
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