October 31, 2004

i’m in a strange mood…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 2:37 pm

Begining the countdown till Mary arrives. I should delete the post i made last night, but i also said that i wouldn’t delete posts when i started this thing a long time ago… needless to say my brain is still schitzo at this point…

not sure what is wrong with me… I leave work soon… i cannot wait… it will be nice to go home and not have to come back for a long time…

Mom and I are thinking about going to Houston not this weekend coming up but the weekend after. The Renaisance Fair is closing that weekend. I might see if i can get in touch with my cousin Mike and maybe we can say hello or something.

I am also going to be finishing up my argument tonight. I am of course speaking of the argument for Nietzsche. It isn’t monumental. I’m enjoying it none-the-less. I’m also going to have to meet with my professor most of next week to try and piece together responses to my argument.

Oh did i mention Mary is coming down this coming weekend? Thursday in fact… she is staying till Sunday Morning. Fun will be had. It is a shame she isn’t staying longer but she cannot miss her Monday class or her students will all drop out and become worthless bums… literally… they would be no where without her guidance i fear…

Man it is quiet here.. kind of boring. Everyone is napping. Last night was long… I should try and take a nap…

Tuesday is the big day WOOHOOO!!! YEAH BABY ELECTION 2004!!! the day when we find out if our war against the islamic religion will be sanctified. I heard not to long ago that the islamic community is looking at our election as either an admittance of error or a dogmatic stand behind our actions. I.E. IF Bush is re-elected it is no longer a technicality but a signature of full support from our people.

This brings about responses of course. I feel like we are at the edge of a great abyss.

Option 1: Kerry is elected, and the muslim community takes into account our ability to change. Hopefully Kerry will then extredite troops from Iraq asap. We will then hopefully turn our eyes inward and attempt to fix current problems without our state. Of course this will be marred by terrorist attacks to revenge our apparent disregard for iraq. Just think of all the children who’s fathers died at the hands of american “democracy” where freedom is on the march. They will of course want revenge and hopefully it will come in a flawed manner.

Option 2: Bush is elected and so begins a horrible descent into palestine/israel territory. What ever do i mean? I mean, that there will begin a tit for tat war between the muslim and the christian community. Muslims will take our action as condoning the current attrocities in Iraq, and Christians will have their racist views re-inforced by the savage ferocity of the muslim response to our own personal attrocities. -Excuse my language- but the pissing contest will begin and let the bigger/better/more godly religion survive.

What will happen in both methods? Atheists will die.

October 30, 2004

questions.. a lot of questions…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 10:39 pm

I’m sick… i feel like shit… I don’t even know what i’m suffering from…

– Serious vertigo
– everytime i move my eyes my consciousness is behind by a mile…
– serious weakness
– fucking scatterbrained schitzophrenia.. mind is racing…

i swear i’d say it were drugs but i haven’t a clue what the hell would have effected me because

i happen to be currently watching one of the strangest fucking movies in the world…

it covers.. god damnit i can’t type… forget it.. this is impossible.. maybe sleeping would be better…

October 29, 2004

you can’t feel my lips undress your eyes…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 11:15 am

i’m fucking tired… i’m in a state of consistent decay… last night was good.. problems seem to be averted… solutions are found.. objects are described… paper is getting interesting… sleep was nice… almost too nice difficult to get up this morning… words are poison darts of pleasure… jealousy runs abound…

hehe sometimes you should just never fucking translate a word…

franz ferdinand..
Ich heisse Super Fantastisch
Ich trinke Schampus mit Lachsfisch
Ich heisse Super Fantastisch.

I am called super Fantastisch
I drink Schampus with salmon fish
I hot super Fantastisch.

existential dilemma reconcidered.. i do not exist… this is thereby proven and accepted.. this is all creations of my imagination… i have no body… i can’t even imagine i’m simply programmed to do this… insane child…

October 28, 2004

still haven’t slept…. sheeeesh…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 5:55 pm

NOR HAVE I WORKED ON MY PAPER! god damn the world for conspiring against me… procrastination… and world events…

Had a long conversation with Trey… was nice… aparently no one in the family is doing good.. Trey is not happy… Dad is not happy… I am not happy… but the world continues… and we see the sun raise every day don’t we…

I just took a shower… i’m about to hear about someone’s walk with wittgenstein… fun eh?

Good news is it is supposed to be inside a church i’ve never been to and the church is said to be gorgeous on the inside… been wanting to see it… supposed to be a little slice of architecture in Lafayette… i can’t wait….

hope it isn’t dissappointing…

hellish class…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 12:58 pm

absoluetly hellish… it was the longest most agonizing class i’ve been through.. the professor drones sometimes… and on this particular day he was bad…

oh well..

i’m wiped out now.. but i can’t sleep… i have to work on my paper some… yes nietzsche… must concentrate on nietzsche……..

i’m tired…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 10:43 am

i haven’t slept yet… and class is starting soon.. wow… should have slept..

i needed that…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 2:07 am

Jon Stuart… wow.. after a day of being angry at the inability i see within the world for change i get a man with a lighthearted and yet very serious take on reality. The method of delivery is light-hearted while the subject matter is very serious.

First was the PBS show with Charlie Rose where Jon pontificated about strange things like politicians are monkeys throwing feces and that the media should not be saying, “thats what they (politicians and monkeys) do.” instead they should be stating that, “That is what they do, but still those are Bad Monkeys.”

bad metaphor but it worked in his context… one way metaphor… can’t go backwards

C-Span question and answer period… awesome… he is hillarious… and he makes me feel like the world isn’t that bad… one statement i like that he said…

“When bush says, “Let history judge if i’ve made a mistake.” is unfortunatly wrong. We don’t have the time to let history be the judge. We need to judge now because the reactions of the judgements are here and now. ”

beautiful statement. and i paraphrased because i’m horrible at quoting.. horrible.. so now i’m going to be making a recording of this on tape for my history proffessor…

can’t sleep….

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 12:32 am

Outfoxed disturbed me greatly… History of the Modern African American Experience disturbed me also… and listening to a man rant about how his “religion” was more accurate then another man’s religion disturbed me. That was the philosophy meeting on The Muslim Religion, which detailed what Christianity Was and Islam Was Not.

subtle difference eh?

I’ve also spent some time today watching Jon Stuart being interviewed by different media outlets.. interesting… i’m watching it right now… PBS Charlie Rose is on right now… interesting..

October 27, 2004

Oh my god………

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 10:40 pm

For an atheist i appeal to a personal god a lot don’t I? Contradiction? perhaps not… but irrelevant..

Jon Stuart has mobilized a strike on various fronts…
crossfire (of course)
charlie rose
60 minutes…

he is a virtual media frenzy now…

go him…

and on a completly related side… yet more depressing…

I watched outfoxxed today… wow… i’ll talk about it friday or tomorrow… i’m too depressed…


Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 10:51 am

I so wasn’t ready for the papers people are writing in Nietzsche’s class. Topics of popular choice are:

1) Christianity and how it has perverted Christ’s views.
2) The Herd and all the wonderful understanding that can come from such a topic…
3) The Ubermensche… or as I like to jest with the people who chose the topic, “The Ubermensche, and why I’m not one even though I choose this topic to make it seem like I were”

Boring choices eh? I’m on my second report right now destroying Christianity. It’s a blast… really it is.. don’t you see how pleased I am? *sarcasm falls short in typeface*

Honestly, I wish people would abandon the Nietzsche -> Christian link completely. It is highly overused.. In fact, I’ve noticed a general trend in my class. No one is attacking Nietzsche’s views. The smartest person I’ve seen in class is simply doing a translation of another philosopher’s work. I say simply, but I mean non-philosophical essay consisting of a translation. Is that good or bad? neither. I’m excited about his essay, I just wish more people were taking contrary views to Nietzsche. Perhaps approaching it from a point of how much bullshit Nietzsche is. Maybe I am in the minority with this viewpoint.

Don’t get me wrong I appreciate a lot of what I have learned about Nietzsche. I was too harsh on him before I took this class. I obviously knew very little about him, which is disconcerting because I took a class on him earlier. I still believe though that his arguments are fundamentally flawed. Some are good. His critique of language, awesome. His critique of morality, interesting yet flawed. Eternal recurrence, bullshit. Ubermensche, nice idea and maybe in a physical evolutionary sense, but not a good use for value theory. Recognizing the will to power? priceless. I appreciate his evaluation of the will to power. It is his most useful treatise aside from the critique of language. But both awesome doctrines contradict each other thereby producing a kind of failure ultimately.

So in the end my paper on morality in the Nietzsche sense is going to end up being a destruction of Nietzsche’s moral claims. Yes I will make appeals that might work but I will also highlight objections that must arise.

oh well speaking of let me get back to doing just that.

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