October 17, 2004

i have been stood up… for an imaginary world…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 12:46 am

Mary wanted to watch SNL tonight simultaneously. I called later then expected because i had to load some stuff on a boat and she was in her ‘writing’ phase. It means our date is off.

I guess theoretically it wasn’t a date.
I guess theoretically i wasn’t stood up.
I guess theoretically i’m free to do stuff i want to do…

false.. i can’t sleep… i tried.. but i can’t… ideas keep popping into my mind. horrible ideas…

bet you want to know those ideas don’t you.
bet you clicked the link to find out didn’t you.
bet your just itching to find out what it is that is bothering me.

too bad….
not happening…
instead on a completly different note…
lets talk about dogs. I want to live with my dog. I want to live with him before he passes away. Poor little doggy. He isn’t doing well. Actually he is doing quite well considering he has seizures on a regular basis and is over 10 human years old.

He has been all but abandoned by me. I got old fast and he stayed dependent. I moved out and he stayed with mom and dad. I don’t know what to say.

change of subject…
i’m losing my mind i believe. I’ve figure out the major problem i have with neitzsche. he is subjective. his moral structure is highly subjective. i feel like i’m facing my arch enemy. oh god thats egotistical eh? he embodies everything i hate about the alteriour view of the moral structure. fucker.

he is going down…

subject changed………
i’m going to sit down in a couple days with a writer friend of mine and talk about my past year. i might be writing it down myself. i don’t have time. He does. But he doesn’t have my year. I do. contradictions.

subged chanject!
i need to sell blood. i need money. it isn’t that i’m broke and can’t pay my bills. it is that my bills are soaking up all my money and i can’t eat…. or is it i can’t eat my bills are moneying my soak? no clue. the child is in the barn and the lights are going dim….

getject subchan?
funny how our human minds operate. negation is always prevalent and positives left behind. cynicism runs rampant… what is that child doing in the barn? we automatically think about something horrible… why did i talk about the lights leaving and not the darkness entering? negative =versus= positive.

-degnahc tcejbus
did jesus actually use the restroom? is jesus god or man? i’m being rude i think, but the question is valid. there are parts in our society that would neglect the human side of jesus, because who can concieve of God taking a shit? it is a horrible notion to many. but was he human? questions.

node eples

3 Responses to “i have been stood up… for an imaginary world…”

  1. mayfly Says:


  2. mayfly Says:

    [quote:3257d9cea4] I guess theoretically it wasn’t a date. I guess theoretically i wasn’t stood up. I guess theoretically i’m free to do stuff i want to do…[/quote:3257d9cea4] Nope, the date isn’t until tomorrow… [quote:3257d9cea4]i’m losing my mind i believe.[/quote:3257d9cea4] I think it may be sleep deprivation. [quote:3257d9cea4]I’ve figure out the major problem i have with neitzsche. he is subjective. his moral structure is highly subjective. i feel like i’m facing my arch enemy. oh god thats egotistical eh? he embodies everything i hate about the alteriour view of the moral structure. fucker.[/quote:3257d9cea4] Oooh, Nietzsche as your arch-enemy… That book of his made me giggle… [quote:3257d9cea4] i have been stood up… for an imaginary world…[/quote:3257d9cea4] My imaginary world asked me to thank you for your patience. And to say hello for them to Nietzsche and Kant. I finished editing my book! It’s printing right now. I’m going to read through it with a red pen, and then hopefully it’ll be ready to send out to agents… Calloo, callay! No comment regarding your use of the term “alterior,” or your scatalogical inquiry re: Jesus. 😥

  3. wduluoz Says:

    why do I have to wait? I want instant gratification now. not soon.