October 19, 2004

there are…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 12:28 am

there is this hillarious shirt that i think Mary would like… in fact i think any DnD nerds would enjoy this shirt… hell i’m not even a DnD nerd and i think it is funny….

it says:
Jesus Saves
(and in small print)
the rest of you take damage…

funny.. get it? Jesus has a high dex so he doesn’t get hurt… oh its hillarious….

One Response to “there are…”

  1. anonymous Says:

    But I doubt the reason Jesus saves is a high dexterity. I don’t think that’s part of his character. More like, Jesus saves due to godly intervention. The rest of you take damage. Pretty cool t-shirt! ~ Her Highness, Mean Teacher 😛 and D&D Nerd Extraodinaire… P.S. The website won’t let me stay logged in, so I have to keep commenting as a guest…