October 20, 2004

Hmm this is message from you local insanity clinic…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 10:27 am

I’m sitting in the writing center at UL at L looking around and pondering over the last few days. I’ve noticed something lately. Existential crises are rampant in the popular sphere.

Think about it, haven’t you noticed a general trend of advertising toward the existentially aware? My concern is that it is not taking the dilemma seriously, and using it as flippant remarks. In a sitcom earlier i noticed an offhand sarcastic comment, “Sounds like you got yourselves a regular existential dilemma there… I’ll leave you to it..” it was in reference to a really trite problem. That is where the comedy comes in… the fact that the problem was so trite compared to real problems… sarcasm abound…..

But anyways… one joke an existential epidemic does not make…

I looked at my bank account yesterday and found mysteriously an extra amount of funds inside of it…. I’m confused… not sure what happened…. I’m giving it some time before i act on it though… I’ve been known to misappropriate funds and dig myself into a bigger hole… and it isn’t necessary right now…

There is an added bonus to working every weekend at Berwick…. i haven’t had to come up with money for groceries yet…. hah… interesting…

Oh the joys of working in the computer lab… someone decides to print out a PowerPoint presentation detailing the history of the world…….. 300+ slides… ignorance…

One Response to “Hmm this is message from you local insanity clinic…”

  1. dramke Says:

    Oh my goodness. …..Sounds like you are dealing with the same type of students as I am…but I forget this was college. At least, mine have an excuse. That was hilarious.