November 16, 2004

surprise surprise….

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 10:36 pm

A non-political ranting… I’ve ranted enough. I’ve scared enough of my reader-base away… (Hah like I had one to begin with… it just sounds kewl to say)

I had a good discussion tonight. I spent a majority of the time bouncing ideas around with another philosopher, Lydia. She surprises me. I had such a wrong impression of her from the beginning. I was right she was and is struggling with understanding herself, but I didn’t give her enough credit. She is seriously having difficulty. I learned a lot about her beliefs.

I don’t agree with them, but that isn’t to surprising I don’t agree with Mary’s beliefs either. I bring that up because they believe in similar things. Yung and Energy are the major proponents for both people. Soul = energy. Lydia believes in Reincarnation with a flavor of Christian love in the background. Love thy neighbor being a major tenet.

It was a long fruitful discussion where we discussed Kant, Nietzsche, Plato, Socrates, Bush (yeah he snuck his pathetic ass into the conversation several times), and ideas. Man it has been a while since I talked ideas with a philosopher.

Michael, Lydia, Matt (not sure yet on the fence), and I are planning on driving to Baton Rouge this Thursday to watch I Heart Huckabees. Yes Yes I know I saw it already, but Iā€™m not opposed to seeing it again. This time I might enjoy it and not try and analyze the incorrect use of philosophical concepts.

I’m also going to ask Dr. Korcz to see if he might want to go. He might like it. Trey turned it down… bastard… wants to work instead… bah…

-edited- i looped a part of the message for some reason… odd…

7 Responses to “surprise surprise….”

  1. mayfly Says:

    [quote:d82945a397]Man it has been a while since I talked ideas with a philosopher. [/quote:d82945a397] what is the difference if she and i have similar ideas? šŸ™ hurray for posts about other women.

  2. arglor Says:

    that statement was in reference to the fact that i learned a lot last night about philosophers i knew but didn’t know, that is all. Not to mention it made me think back to the conversations i used to have with Lucas and with Michael about abstract ideas. It seems that lately i’ve been stuck in arguing morality and politics which are great but ultimately depressing because they should be changing the world and yet they are not… as for the post being “about” another woman.. i think you are overstating this… but oh well..

  3. mayfly Says:

    you’re probably right. *thinking back to what you said that time about a lonely professor and his students* i suppose i should just suck it up and read [i:8b3b7a6ff1]the republic[/i:8b3b7a6ff1] and whatever comes next on the philosopher’s girlfriend reading list. it’s around here somewhere… [i:8b3b7a6ff1]the republic[/i:8b3b7a6ff1], i mean. i could put it in my purse, instead of milan kundera’s [i:8b3b7a6ff1]ignorance[/i:8b3b7a6ff1]… politics is depressing. i agree with you there! i don’t know about morality though… i find discussions about personal morality very useful. i guess maybe it is depressing when you start expecting other people to follow it… i hope i can talk to you tonight. i will be free around ten, ten thirty eastern time. i miss you.

  4. mealymel Says:

    Mary… Keep reading the kundera… good stuff.

  5. arglor Says:

    AND PLATO IS NOT?!? wtf? Mary read the republic and ignore her… šŸ˜‰

  6. mealymel Says:

    Kundra… Kundra … Kundra Forget Plato! Ha Ha

  7. arglor Says:

    Give me the power to purge these heathens from my boards and keep it ordered…. plato cannot lose to kundara on my board…. it just cannot be so…