December 13, 2004

Ok here i begin…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 9:36 pm

I threw around the movie, “What the #$%^ do we know?” and Dr. Korcz read a review about it that claimed the movie was fiction. In fact he said that the review talks about how the people in the movie are actually actors… so my interest is perked…

but no such luck…

Amit Goswami, Ph.D
– taught at the university of oregon for 34 years..
– published many books but all titles have strange ideas behind them.
— The Self-Aware Universe
— Quantum Creativity
— Physics of the Soul
— The Visionary Window (Quest Books, 2000).
— He also wrote a textbook on Quantum Mechanics that is well regarded and used.
-His education was in India with a Ph.D. degree in physics from Calcutta.
of five books,

John Hagelin
-Ohh some controversy here… supposedly he claims to have authored the superstring theory… i guess oh well i’m grasping at straws on wonky websites… here is the url: hehe yeah i know… go figure… I’m hot for controversy…

OHhhhhhh interesting little article from a website a little more credible then (hehe god that was a horrible citation)

CRAP i’ve stumbled on a nest of controversy.. and conspiracy theories…

this is kewl…. i want to know MORE! i’ll post more information when i can look at this more…

5 Responses to “Ok here i begin…”

  1. mayfly Says:

    sounds kinda hokey if you ask me… i mean the self-aware universe? nice idea (one of the ones of which i am more fond, a la isaac asimov), but… a physicist wrote that? as a non-fiction work? how do you prove that? you know? anyway. i thought you didn’t like the movie?

  2. arglor Says:

    I argued against Dr. Griff Blakewood for taking that approach to reality constantly in his humanities classes. I hated the movie as a film but I couldn’t argue with the information because I’m clueless about the full extent of quantum mechanics. I didn’t even know who these people were. I wanted to appeal to an authority in their field to find some reason the ideas were so flawed.

  3. mayfly Says:

    ah, ok. i get it. 🙂 i just woke up. apparently 8 1/2 hours was all i needed? i usually don’t wake up at 8 a.m. but i still feel like crap. here’s some math ya can’t argue with: [list:27a1d4cf7c]staying up all night grading + walking from the parking lot to school through 20 degree weather = one sickie[/list:u:27a1d4cf7c]

  4. snaars Says:

    You’ll like this … Saturday I went to take my final exam in Grif Blakewood’s humanities class. We were all comparing notes at the last minute. Grif comes in and makes an announcement. He says, “Before you get started I have to tell you about this great movie you all have got to see …” Don’t say it, I think. “It’s called ‘What the Bleep Do We Know’!” he says proudly. ‘I hated it! I saw it and I hated it,” I say. His eyes shift toward me for just a second but he decides to ignore me. “You all have got to see this movie,” he says. “Drive to Baton Rouge if you have to. This is THE new movie with THE new paradigm for the 21st century.” The classroom goes all abuzz with students talking about this movie and the final exam and Grif sits down behind his desk. “You really didn’t like it,” he asks me. I am right in the front of the row, so he doesn’t have to raise his voice over the hubbub. “I really didn’t,” I tell him. “Why?” He seems crestfallen and a little confused. “Well, okay, I didn’t absolutely hate ALL of it …” I start to say. “Never mind. We have to get started on the final. But you,” he says with mock seriousness, “you have to write an additional paragraph explaining why you didn’t like that incredible movie.” So I did.

  5. arglor Says:

    GOD I hate him… I’m sorry but I know you did an awesome paragraph. I know you ripped that whole movie apart. I wish I could have been in that class. GOD I hate him… ok hate is too strong of a word, but i dislike him heavily.