What song does this lyric come from?
“I smell sex and candy” God damnit i can’t figure it out.. i remember the music video being something really freaky with spiders and fake floors and whatnot…
Take a look at this little wonder… pictures from the movie Hitchiker’s guide to the galaxy… look at marvin’s head… freaking huge… don’t remember that in my mind from reading the book… Ford Prefect is black… yet again don’t remember that from my reading… not complaining of course… just saying… it wasn’t in MY head’s movie.
dissappointing that philosophy doesn’t show up on here… I mean a law class? physics class? entymology taught by using Gary Larson’s comics?
come on we need classes about broad topics… not the same things taught more entertainingly…
The sundance film festival does occur in the same place over and over.. and that is in Utah. How do i know? read this passage and tell me what you think.
All Things Considered, January 23, 2005 ยท The Sundance Film Festival is known for trumpeting fresh, new filmmakers. Directors Quentin Tarantino and Steven Soderbergh are two of the biggest names to benefit from exposure at the Park City, Utah festival. This year, Soderbergh is there helping promote Symbiopsychotaxiplasm Take 2.5, the sequel to a film that’s nearly 40 years old. Pat Dowell delves into the making of the original film, a film-within-a-film premise, and its follow-up.
January 25th, 2005 at 8:28 am
hangin’ round downtown by myself and i had so much time to sit and think about myself and then there she was like double cherry pie yeah there she was like disco superfly i smell sex and candy here who’s that lounging in my chair who’s that casting devious stares in my direction mama this surely is a dream hangin’ round downtown by myself and i had too much caffeine and i was thinkin’ ’bout myself and then there she was in platform double suede yeah there she was like disco lemonade i smell sex and candy here who’s that lounging in my chair who’s that casting devious stares in my direction mama this surely is a dream mama this surely is a dream yeah mama this must be my dream love that song. not the lyrics so much as the melody… hopefully you can hear it in your head right now, after reading the words. i loved that song when i first heard it–and i remember it for this reason too–because it sounds a lot like the kind of stuff my cousin ben writes and sings. in fact, when that song came out (i think it was a long time ago, maybe even when i had just graduated from high school, or definitely in my first couple years of college) i heard it on klsu and for a split second i thought it was ben. i told him that once and he was flattered. man it makes me happy to think about ben… i’m so glad he is in love!
January 26th, 2005 at 2:44 pm
I have been waiting years for this movie … I know, I’m such a nerd. I think it’s cool Ford Prefect is black. I agree they made Marvin’s head too big. I’m very interested to find out how they adapted the story. I know Adams made extensive changes to the script before he died and that many more were made after that. It makes sense, you know … we no longer think that digital watches are a neat idea … those days are gone. *sigh*