February 4, 2005

today’s impersonal news..

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 11:26 am

-Apparently 2005 marks the fifty year mark for Albert Einstein’s death, and the 100 year mark from when he came up with the physical equations of special relativity. So of course this is going to show itself as the year progresses.

-There was a mock demonstration put on by our congress during the state of the union address. Apparently congress, or more importantly the republican portion of congress, felt it was neccessary to mark certain statements Bush claimed with live-audience feel. This was desribed to me as including but not limited to live gasps of astonishment at our newly found social security dillemma, mild support for recognition of the problem, and overwhelming applause and jubilation for bush’s supposed plan to privatize social security.
—-My one and only statement on this front, since i’m in the process of obtaining the footage of the union, is as follows. Does our government really want to change the country’s perception of government to where we really believe they are simply actor’s and stunt doubles? Is this what i am supposed to gather from their little farce? Because if they honestly want me to believe the current understanding of the social security dilemma (which is hotly contested as to it’s urgency) was just brought to their attention on the night of the state of the union i would be left with the only option left and that is abandoning the country in it’s ignorance. Government shouldn’t be a blatant showman’s game. It is not television. They make real decisions. These decisions kill real people, and save real people. Why the fuck do they think they have the right to make such an institution into a farce. I’m done.

-Apparently Rice (of condelizza fame) has criticized the Iran government. Not to bad except she mentioned two important key points in her statements.
–We have no _immediate_ plans of attack against Iran.
–We plan on making democracy the norm in the middle eastern area, this applies to all middle eastern countries.
—-It is nice of them to qualify their statements with the term immediate. This way they aren’t blatantly lieing to us. I so dislike blatant lies.

-Our senate is looking into limiting class action lawsuits.
—-My question is this, have corporations changed so much since enron and worldcom that they should be trusted even more? Why is it that we have faced some of the most disturbing news recently about corporate interests running counter to individual interests that it would seem outlandish to propose that we limit corporate responsibility. In fact i think we should make corporations more responsible for the problems they create.

One Response to “today’s impersonal news..”

  1. horselover_fat Says:

    [quote:f1b25b1195]My one and only statement on this front, since i’m in the process of obtaining the footage of the union, is as follows. Does our government really want to change the country’s perception of government to where we really believe they are simply actor’s and stunt doubles? Is this what i am supposed to gather from their little farce? [/quote:f1b25b1195] Substitute “this administration” for “our government” and I’d say you’re onto something. But, I don’t think John Q Public is really suppose to be aware of all the effort put into making W seem more statesman-like (“Pay no attention to the Karl Rove behind the curtain”). That is, if they even bother to tune in to hear what he has to say. In all honesty, I don’t watch Bush speeches anymore. Now, before you say “how can you criticize Bush’s speeches if you don’t even watch them”, allow me to defend myself. I used to try to watch them, but they actually make me physically ill. Aside from the fact that I’m disagreeing with every other word coming out of his mouth, it’s painful just to hear him [i:f1b25b1195]speak[/i:f1b25b1195] (it’s nuclear, you f*cking idiot; pronounced noo-klee-arr, not nook-yoo-lurr!!). I try to make up for it by listening to his press secretary and cabinet members (Rice, Ashcroft, et al.) when they speak. O.K., I gave up on that too. It’s all just to painful to bear. What I think this administration has finally done is it has mastered the Orwellien art of doublespeak. I mean, look at the names they come up with for thier policies and legislation: “The Patriot Act”, “No Child Left Behind”, “The Clean Air Act”, the “liberation” of Iraq, prescription drug “benefits”… The “niceness” of the name is inversly related to the reality of the situation. (If the Bushies ever craft a piece of legislation and give it the title “The DoublePlusBest Course of Action For America and All Her Patriotic Citizens”, then be afraid, be very afraid). But you know what? Apparantly it works. People only pay attention to sound bites and whats on the surface. Who could possibly be against something called the “No Child Left Behind Act” (think of the children). And the so-called “liberal” media is complicit in this charade. This President does not, has not, and will never address the public in a setting that can in any way become hostile to him. The silver lining in all this is that he cannot run in the next election. Unfortunately, his brother can.