April 4, 2005

Movie schedule…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 12:37 am

Infernal affairs is playing at bayou bijou and i think HLF wants to go see it tomorrow night.. i think i will join him… it looks interesting… (leave a comment when you want to meet HLF)

I will see Sin City Wednesday or Friday with Trey. Either is fine for me.

I saw Steamboy and Millions in New York. Both were horribly dissappointing as to what they could be. Millions was a better movie then Steamboy in film quality.

Steamboy, from the director of akira. Imagine Akira set in the past during the scientific revolution of the steam engine and all the possible advances from that. Then imagine that you can create a nuclear bomb from steam. (or something similar) Add bad dialogue. add pathetic ideological intrigue… and you have the movie… Absoluetly gorgeous though.

Millions is movie about a child who gets access to millions of dollars of currency that he has to spend before they become worthless. You see it occurs in britain and the pound is being subplanted for the Euro. They are transfering the funds over and on the way to getting burned a bag of a million or so pounds falls off the train into the child’s hands. SO! Since he can see Saints (beautiful part of the film and yet it also gives rise to the ethical dillemma in my head with alligning right with divine good) all around him he attempts to help everyone out who he can. Donating money to mormons, homeless peoples, and even digging some wells in an african town that needs water due to a drought.

Of course a child spending all this money attracts attention. There is intrigue and even this kewl crime flick part. Overall though the content was weak and the story was a little difficult to take. The good things about the movie is that there were parts very schnazzy edited scenes, and the music was enjoyable. It was fast paced and i was not bored in the least. In the end though the movie was just not written well as a story. Dialogue was fine, but story sucked ass. I did enjoy the Saints, even it if was an appeal to flawed ethical system.
Quick dialogue clip after the child learns that the money isn’t from God but instead from thieves attempting to rob the state.
-Son “Dad its wrong. ”
-Father “Who says it is wrong?”
-Son “GOD!”

oh well i’m stalling… i just don’t want to work anymore on my paper.

7 Responses to “Movie schedule…”

  1. snaars Says:

    Do yOu evER Get a sICk fEeliNg wHen yoU Are aBOUt to WorK On yoUR PapEr and YOU are Not QUitE suRe yOu kNOw wHEre yoU ARe goINg witH it?

  2. arglor Says:

    I finally figured out my argument… now i’m only afraid Korcz will destroy it… Excuse me if i don’t actually post my argument up here due to fear of complete destruction before i even turn in my paper… YES folks this is my first paper that is ever late… but god i think it was worth holding back.

  3. horselover_fat Says:

    Nose to the grindstone… Midnight oil… All that jazz. I don’t want to be an accessory to any procrastination on your part. Already did enough of that with your brother. Good luck. Ron. (Accessory to my own procrastination).

  4. arglor Says:

    ANd it is sent off. Completly done. No more work.

  5. horselover_fat Says:

    Upcoming movies that I have a little more than a passing interest in. In other words, I may actually see them in the theater. These are all big-budget-hollywood-summer-blockbusters: Sin City (This is pretty much a done deal, little nervous about it though) Hitch-hikers Guide to The Galaxy (A little nervous about this one too). Longest Yard (So sue me). Revenge of the Sith (Because the odds are on GL’s side; he can’t go 0-for-3) Fantastic Four (Hey, I said a little more than a passing interest–and it is comics). War of the Worlds (Cruise + Spielberg worked for Minority Report). So, there you have it. Although I doubt if I’ll actually see more than one or two of these at the theater. And I may edit this list later. What is everbody else looking forward to? Ron (feeding the machine).

  6. arglor Says:

    can i sue you for that? Come on… it looks like crap, but hey maybe you like adam sandler…

  7. horselover_fat Says:

    [quote:fb02fd596d]can i sue you for that? Come on… it looks like crap, but hey maybe you like adam sandler…[/quote:fb02fd596d] Not the biggest fan of Adam Sandler, but I have my reasons. Ron (Sue away).