April 6, 2005

Six Feet Under… insane rant….

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 2:03 pm

All Six Feet Under Fans will be pleased to note the final season begins on Monday June 6th at 9 pm.

I’ve been without SFU for so long i don’t know what to expect.. An interesting side note is that my relationship with Mary began with Six Feet Under and for a while all our relationship consisted of was watching this show. You might remark that this sounds kind of pathetic, i remark nay friend. SFU is one of the most powerful storylines i’ve seen in a television format. It is also one of those rare things that i experienced and still can’t go back to.

My history with SFU is a long one. A year before i met Mary, i acquired* several episodes of the series because i was interested in the material. After watching them i got hooked. I acquired all of two seasons (at least the full compilation of one season and half of the second because at the time the second season was still airing on HBO.). After a week, easter holiday i believe, of intense viewing i was caught up to the storyline and began watching them as they occured on HBO. One of the most seriously fucked up weeks of my life, and yet also a very memorable one. Later on i met Mary.

The third “date” involved her coming over to my house on st. Thomas and we cooked, rode bikes around Lafayette, visited my turtle in the park, and retired to my home to watch SFU episodes 1,2, and 3. After this intense session, she left.

The forth “date” involved me going to her apartment and demonstrating murphy’s law by having a computer snafu fail to allow my computer screen to be translated into television display. (murphy’s law says that what can go wrong will go wrong, but in my family’s case it appears that what can go wrong with electronics on the moment you most need the electronics, will go wrong.) After buying an insanely expensive piece of equipment that proved to be more then worth it’s weight in money, we watched episodes 4,5,6, and 7.

After that night our dates pretty much consisted of watching the six feet under series up until her birthday, which falls on april 12th, when i demanded our relationship branch off into Film. You can imagine the chemistry building at this moment.

The layout was like this, up until her birthday, we spent a lot of time together but i never stayed the night. As luck would have it, Mary’s birthday falls during the night. I asked her if she would mind having me spend her birthday with her. She was flattered that i felt it was as special as it was. All the same, My plan was simple. I had to get our relationship off of SFU and watching Film because i enjoyed films too much.

Some might argue this ice had already been breached because we went out to the theater sometimes, but i argue that modern theatrical productions are not all that consist of film. (even though we did see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in the theater. Not to mention we watched Lost in Translation and Harold and Maude[which i must give Mary credit for choosing, i had not even heard of this movie {but it still wasn’t a complete breakthrough in film, and it was on our second date, ergo it doesn’t count. (what does one do when one has so many parenthetical groupings? it is parenthetical groupings that this is called right? [In symbolic logic when you have this many parenthesis groping symbols, you actually recycle them])}]). Now where was I.

So back to the B-Day extraveganza.
The agenda fell into this outline:
– April 11th I dropped by around 5 or 6ish. I had defined the night as a night to explore the concept of Beauty, + a film i had the inclination she would hate but i wanted her to see one aspect of my film enjoyment that involved something other the beauty.
— First movie — Big Fish — A beautiful story about truth and the distortions that make up the realities of our great story-tellers. In short i can simply define it as storytelling at it’s best.
— Second movie — Waking Life — A beautiful film. The content is engaging, and the ideas expressed in the film are thought-provoking, but those aspects of the movie are no better and sometimes not even as good as some other films i have seen. The movie is gorgeous because of the technique behind the film’s creation. The director took a camera and filmed various sequences, and then went back and painted the film to make it seem as though you are watching a series of painted scenes instead of a movie.
— Third Movie — The Seventh Seal — It was either this or Persona, but i think the idea behind the Seventh Seal is a lot more beautiful, at least a lot more universal. The Seventh Seal is the story of a knight who comes back from the crusades to find his lands battling the black plague. The story is a beautiful portrayal of humanity at its best. The knight plays a game of chess with death in order to prolongue his death and also attempt to save the lives of those that he travels with. Ingrid Bergman directs this, and if you are at all familiar with his directing technique you know that the film is at least a beautiful example of what film can do.

This was the final movie. My plan for adding this movie was that i really honestly believed at the time that this movie has a great fucking scene in it. After watching the movie with Mary though, i have come to realize i overestimated the scene in the movie.
— Fourth movie — 25th hour — Spike Lee directed Edward norton in this movie. I still enjoy the movie, but there were two scenes i thought were gorgeous. The first scene is when Edward Norton retires to his father’s restroom and unleashes his rage about the world. The scene best portrayed my reaction to 9-11. At the time of the incident, i was depressed at the whole situation. After some analysis of my emotions i came to the conclusion that i was angry at not only the people who would commit such an atrocious act, but at our government for giving them the anger and rigetous fury to pull such an act off. I imagined myself standing before a mirror and yelling obsceneties at these various groups of individuals in which i felt were responsible for these atrocities. The groups were meaningless, but at the brief moment in which i felt this, i came to realize that i’m also angry that i allow our government to get away with these acts. Anyway, i found it very characteristic of my feelings from 9-11. I had also just watched this film and therefore it was still new in my mind. The second scene is the final scene of the movie, where this guy is being taken to jail and there is a fade into what his life could be if he were to run from the punishment of his actions. That story scene is beautiful in it’s own way. Needless to say Mary hated this movie.

After we were to watch these movies we where to walk down to the baton rouge river and watch the sun rise. On our way back we would stop at the bakery for some breakfast and then we would retire to her apartment and take a nap.

We would then head to my Grandmother’s house and have a picknic next to the river there. I showed her around in the woods. Then we ate supper with my parents, and all the awkwardness that entails due to our relationship’s brief existence. You might ask, “After only one month of knowing each other you invite her to meet your parents?” and i would say, “Yes.” You don’t really know my parents, and due to time constraints I felt as though certain things should be followed via the emotional core of my being and not the rational logical side of my brain. My rational side has me taking Metaphysics.

My rational side doesn’t like me.

We would then retire to Mary’s house in BR where we would actually begin (or maybe end? not exactly sure.) season 2 of six feet under.

Plans Fail. 😉

We only watched Waking Life, 25th hour, and The Seventh Seal. I couldn’t get big fish to run on my laptop. We did go to my parent’s land in Bancker, but it was later then we planned, because we napped for way to long. We did not see the sun rise because of the above excuse. We did not get to the bakery because of the above excuse.

In the end, Our general rule about plans is as follows: Work hard to figure them out, and add intricate careful details to make them unique. Then blunder through them with the carefree lackadaisical attitude associated with life, this way we can qualify as careless and yet methodical. How many times have we planned to watch movies and failed in that aspect.

Roshomon and Wild strawberries are good movies i hear.

You want more? tough titty.

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