April 8, 2005


Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 12:10 am

So i enter a weekend of silence. Had an absoleutly horrible discussion with Mary tonight. Thats relationship suicide in a long distance relationship. The content is unimportant, what is important is a distinct irony.

I never thought the easiest thing in a long distance relationship would be the distance. I never concieved that it was actually the thought of getting back together. Mary and I have had a whirlwind relationship and what is more is that it has been abnormal in a good way. If Mom and Dad’s relationship has taught me anything, and Amanda and Trey’s relationship also (no offense to either), is that every relationship has it’s keystone fractures. These fractures are things that will not go away.

I know your asking, what could possibly be our fracture? normal stuff, and irrelevant to this post. Well i will let you in on a secret. I’m overly sensitive to issues and have to question every feeling i have to see if it is a valid and rational emotional, i’m a control freak who dislikes even the utterence of demand from third party, and i am also undisciplined in that directionless sort of manner. I’m an asshole to get along with.

Oh by the way don’t take this post as a, “hey lets tell Arglor what we really feel becuase he is opening himself up to it,” kind of post because it isn’t.

All the same this is probably going to be the longest weekend of my life. I’m going on silent mode. Mary and I will be incommunicato for the whole weekend. It was amicable, one party said it would be best and the other said ok.

So i go to work Saturday morning. wheeeee fun weekend for me. Can’t wait till tomorrow night and i get to see Sin City.

want to hear a joke? I need a drink ;). I’m alone ;). Looks like i don’t break my moral boundries.

3 Responses to “Feh…”

  1. wduluoz Says:

    “you cant handle the truth.”

  2. mayfly Says:

    I have interesting things to tell you regarding what I had to do today. Do you remember what I had to do today? Well, interesting things came of it. But now I can’t tell you, due to the, er, restriction. So I guess I will wait.

  3. arglor Says:

    What the fuck is “you can’t handle the truth” supposed to mean? Am i to take that like dad’s old statement of “welcome to the real world”? because if so my opinion of you has dropped by a serious measure.