April 19, 2005

The historical problem…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 4:10 pm

According to Nietzsche, Philosophy has a problem. It has no sense of “history”. Every philosopher approaches an idea as though no one has thought of this idea before. Nietzsche’s point was that we don’t recognize the problems of the past and how they effect the future.

I disagree. I think of philosophy differently, but then again i’m the student of our philosophical department. According to the methods taught to us, philosophers approach problems by recognizing the evolution of ideas over time. Kant percieved the world drastically different from Descartes, but a lot of what Kant argues for is a response to Descartes. So in the end philosophy is very difficult to nail down.

What i’m concerned with in this post is something that is inspired by this post on Mealymel’s blog. As i was having this post discussion with Mealymel, i came to ponder about something inherent in blogging culture.

We approach blogs as though they are stream of consciousness. I am thinking A, B, C, D, etc, and my blog demonstrates this. There is something else interesting. We treat blogs as though they are speach.

fictional example:
I hate johnny. Wow i suppose i shouldn’t have typed that. Oh well.

And then we hit the post button. This is interesting. We recognize in typeface the things we shouldn’t do, but we take the extra step to do them anyways.

We also discuss things a lot more openly then we would. What is the blogging phenomena.

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