April 20, 2005

For the 200th post on this new form of blog.. it will be a

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 11:50 am

First off, Mary is sick. I feel bad for her so if she logs in I wanted to collect a few news articles I found interesting so she could peruse them.

News post…
China cures diabetes through transplantation. Who the hell said communist nations don’t produce technological advancements due to a stagnation in the work force? Does Ego really drive technological advancements? Does communism really preach 100% equality, or is that simply the propaganda statement? Every single question i’ve raised is very absurd, because they work off of cardboard interpretations of China’s communist political structure.

Oil prices. This article just explains what has been happening the last few weeks with the cost of gasoline, and it also offers projections of the future.

Hah french love at it’s best. This is why i’m not romantic baby, romance kills people ;).

Interesting dilemma. This seems to be a major point of contention with the republican party, either we close the borders or open them and offer them legal work. Decisions decisions…

As always, she appears to some and remains hidden to others. Man a yellow and white stain on the overpass in the shape of the virgin Mary is good enough to draw crowds, but Chris Ofili, the Anglo-African Roman Catholic, whose mixed-media work, The Holy Virgin Mary, is obscene. I think intention plays into the whole affair. One instant, he intended to create the work out of feces and in the other she intended to arise from a urine stain on the side of the overpass. I’m joking of course, she doesn’t exist so she can’t intend anything.
BTW I really want to go see this work of art Mary.

FWHAT!? You mean obesity isn’t the killer we belived it to be!? OH my god. Haha i’m glad i don’t use scientific studies to regulate what is healthy for me, because i’d be schitzophrenic. This isn’t to say i don’t consult them for general directionary purposes, but i don’t need a dietary study to tell me begin overweight is unhealthy for me. HLG tells me that every day of the week as i trudge up to the fifth floor.

Uh oh… So drinking might not be as healthy as they claim it to be? FWHAT?! I’m sorry to show this to you Mary. I just thought it was so relevant to this blog.

One Response to “For the 200th post on this new form of blog.. it will be a”

  1. mayfly Says:

    thanks for the entertainment. i will look at them later though. want to make some soup. in other news, do you know it’s hotter here than it is there today? 86 degrees in new york and jersey cities, and only 80 in lafayette. fwhat indeed.