May 2, 2005

Amelie…. Serious spoilers.

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 5:11 am

I suggest watching the movie. Below is a link to my summary and analysis of the film that i am writing in french. Go watch the movie, its really good.

the trouble of the socially concious.

Amelie is the story of my life. Observers all around, and living failed. The child grows into the hidden flower. Amelie is the story of an individual who grows up to be introverted. She adopts the personality of a random chaotic cause. She moves from life to life causing beneficial emotional movements throughout. She remains invisible while doing this.

Her first and greatest act is bringing back the memories of childhood to a man stuck in the present. The man uses the blessing to turn towards his past and make amens with wrongs he has caused. He also learns to pay attention to the present.

Love misplaced.
One stalker camps the diner Amelie works, constantly eyeing and recording various tid bits about his past girlfriend. One paranoid dellusional sits within her cigarrette stand worrying about the new ailment she could be suffering from. They are a match made in heaven, or so Amelie thinks. Amelie fixes them up together.

She loves her father who has emotionally abandoned her since birth. Understanding her father better then most other children, she steals his gnome and sets him on a trip across the world. At specific points the gnome sends back pictures to his caretaker.

She performs another action to help out a young man who is treated horribly at her work place. This action is a thread that spans several parts of the film. It begins by her making a copy of the evil supervisor’s apartment key. She sets several traps around his house in the hopes of making him realize the karmic effect of actions. Later, after realizing that the supervisor hasn’t changed, she returns to his apartment and sets more traps. Afterwards, the supervisor has still not stopped, whereas she verbally ridicules him. Much embarrasement follows, and we assume the supervisor has learned his lesson.

Grief immortal
She also decides to assist a griving widow from down stairs. This involves the splicing of a letter into various sections. Then by reorganizing it to create a new letter, she sends it to the grieving widow declaring immortal love. The husband had perished in another woman’s house, and so the grieving widow’s love was ultimately unquenched. She exists in a vicious cycle. Amelie’s manufactured letter arrives declaring his love for the widow and yet once again the woman’s heart is repaired.

Shadowy interest.
There exists a man who’s bone structure is so brittle that were he to live life outside, he would crumble like pewter. His life is inside his home. Amelie uses a vcr to record real life and send it to him. Amelie gives him the experience of the external world.

Unknown voice
Amelie scribbles a quote of a failed artist on the wall, and when noticed by the artist a skip is adopted in his step.

For all the good she has caused, she has also made mistakes. Amelie attempts to improve the lives of her closest friends. All of the above is context. The real story is how she finds love. That i will leave for you to find out.

As a film there are several style adoptions i notice throughout. There is a film technique used throughout this work that i would like to call attention to. This is a technique i usually associate with crime films, e.g. Snatch by Guy Ritchie. The technique involves rapidly cutting scenes together in a myriad display to accentuate the speed of the scenes. This gives the film a very tactile style. The seemless film transitions between real life and fantasy gives the film a very fairy tale setting. The lense used, i believe called fish eye, gives the movie that same fairy tale appearance. Facial focus shots demonstrates how seemlessly the movie transitions between Amelie’s mind and reality.

A very beauitful film, and also poigniant.

I believe the film is a great demonstration of one of my key beliefs. I think humankind has the ability to be absorbed within one’s self. Amelie goes throughout the film waking people up from zombie like states. The stumble through the world in depressed states, and she manipulates the environment to bring about good. I argue that if the world would pay less attention to their wants and recognize the beauty of their surroundings, People would be a lot happier.

Bad things happen when people fail to recongize the beauty in their fellow man. Sarte argues that humanity should recognize their freedom and live life to their own designs. This belief has power in empowering individuals with their own sense of well being. I argue that this belief has been drowned by consumerist demands for more materialistic examples. Instead of being nauseaus by the sheer amount of how much freedom we have, we box up our lives in segregated societies and let no one in for fear of harm.

Amelie did this. When she allowed someone within, she found heaven. This is true love.

One Response to “Amelie…. Serious spoilers.”

  1. wduluoz Says:

    but I have it. Wilbur