May 2, 2005


Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 1:04 pm

Ok this is the final tally of people going to see the movie Wednesday. The movie begins at 7:20, so be in front of the theater by around 7:00. After the movie, we will probably go somewhere to eat and talk about how good/bad the movie is. The movie itself is around 2 hours long, so be sure to mark your schedule as such.

The theater we will be watching the movie in is called the Grand 16. It is the newest theater in Lafayette, and feature stadium seating (yay). It is located on Johnston street across from Judice Inn hamburger shop. It is what used to be the Superstore.

Any suggestions on where you would enjoy eating at would be appreciated.

Please understand that if you don’t meet up with us by 7:15 outside the grand, we will enter the theater. Afterwards we can attempt to get together. You can contact me on my cell phone, just email me back if you need my cell phone number.

P.S. I’m going to request taking a picture of all of us, and i can e-mail copies to anyone who would like them.

Current list of people who are going:
David – philosophy student graduating.
Wilbur (trey) – Graduate student at UL and David’s Brother.
Amanda – Wilbur’s significant other, long time friend and pretty cool girl.
Michael Snaars – philosophy student graduating, long time friend.
Michelle – Michael Snaar’s Wife
Damon – philosophy club ex-secretary and philosophy student, all around very nice and cool guy.
Dr. Korcz – philosophy department head, professor of philosophy, (titles edited for brevity) and all around very nice and cool guy.
Melissa – Adjunct English Professor, good friend and pretty cool girl.
Graydon – philosophy student, good friend and pretty cool guy.
Ronnie – Student of computer (not cognitive) science, and long time friend and pretty cool guy.

unconfirmed invites
Lydia – ex-philosophy student, good friend, and pretty cool girl. (looks like she probably won’t be there)

looks like a pretty fun night… a lot of interpretations to sift through.

22 Responses to “Wednesday.”

  1. mayfly Says:

    that’s a lot of pretty cool people. are you sure some of them aren’t only “somewhat” or “marginally” cool? 😉

  2. wduluoz Says:

    He is going to be a computer science student. Currently, he is a desperate individual trying to get back into college. Though I dont think he will be upset with you having pushed him beyond the required BA / BS and MA / MS of the cog sci department and now working on his Phd. Wilbur

  3. horselover_fat Says:

    Jeez, I feel like I’m going to some kind of grad school seminar with that list of people. And the computer science cirriculum does have a cog science concentration. But I plan on going with Inf Technology. Or video game design (but it’s so damn hard). Or probably change it to something else along the way. Ron. (Merely “somewhat” cool…on a good day.)

  4. snaars Says:

    This word “cool” … is this another way of saying “hoopy”? A lot of hoopy froods, oughta be fun.

  5. arglor Says:

    douglas adams was not the best source of slang… his words died in the large abyss that created them… of course not exactly true.. aka babelfish, and yet it isn’t a fish.

  6. snaars Says:

    Not a fi- ? Oh, right … you mean something so alien couldn’t really be a fish. For a second there I thought you were saying there was no such thing as a real babel fish. Next thing you’ll be telling me there’s no such game as brockian ultra-cricket. Sheesh!

  7. arglor Says:

    good god man have you memorized all of those terms? do you use those terms when you feel the conversation needs a geek moment? i’m just curious… thats insane..

  8. snaars Says:

    I started to get an uneasy feeling as I read the first few words of your last post, Arglor, but then my peril-sensetive sunglasses went completely black. I don’t know what the problem could have been, but I feel fine now.

  9. arglor Says:

    Lydia is going to be there tomorrow. So. My picture will have everyone..

  10. horselover_fat Says:

    Your new uber-cool avatar beats my feeble pathetic avatar senseless, D. I bow before your superiority. Ron. (Goes to look for new avatar)

  11. mealymel Says:

    It looks like I won’t be able to make it after all. Damn, and I was looking forward to not only the movie, but hanging out with you all. Stupid belly dancing practice. Oh well.

  12. arglor Says:

    sorry to hear about that… you will certainly miss a lot of lively debate about the merits of the movie, and perhaps even bigger questions like the intent of the writer and the intent of the director… and also apparently Michael can give us line by line verbatim book to movie comparrison.. heh hope you have fun at belly dancing practice… (you can’t cancel or move it? shame)

  13. mealymel Says:

    I wish I could, but we’re starting choreography tonight (don’t laugh, but I’m dancing in a gala a month from now). I’ve already missed two classes and I think my instructor would kill me if I missed this one. And I might kill myself for missing it, since I paid the money to take this class. Have fun..

  14. arglor Says:

    you too.. good luck in your gala…

  15. mayfly Says:

    you’re gonna have lively debates about the intent of the movie and the director??? 😆 hopefully it won’t merit them!!!! i would hope it to be a completely absurdist comedy!

  16. snaars Says:

    Great avatar, Arglor! It looks like your evil twin peeking out from under your chin. You definitely look like a guy who knows where his towel is.

  17. mayfly Says:

    not only can you change your avatar. . . you can change your USERNAME!!! 😆

  18. arglor Says:

    sooo many levels…. she will change it when she realizes the subtleties within such a username..

  19. mayfly Says:

    is this better?

  20. snaars Says:

    I missed it … what was before ‘Reputed’?

  21. mayfly Says:

    [quote:e66c2a8e70=”Zaphod”]I missed it … what was before ‘Reputed’?[/quote:e66c2a8e70] ask Nietzsche.

  22. horselover_fat Says:

    And a good time was had by all. I assume. I can only speak for myself. But good people, good conversation. Adequate movie… Good beer (ahem). Ron. P.S. Please stop with the avatar/username thing–I’m so confused. My world used to make so much sense.