May 5, 2005

the night in general.

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 3:44 am

Let me begin by saying this, thank you friends and family for one of the best nights of my life. I have grown quite fond of all of you, and when it comes to moments like this, i feel that those friendships are very worthwhile. Ok enough sappy stuff.

Let me begin by saying this, the movie wasn’t good. I came away thinking that this is probably the best translation of the book for screen, and what came out of it was insanity. There were some really great moments, the description of life and death in a short little quip that was directly from the book, the dolphins in the begining were a very nice touch (not crazy about the theme music but), arthur dent wasn’t horrible but everyone else was, etc. So much of it was made up and not true to the books (not necessarily a bad thing, just different), and there were not as many funny lines as i thought there would be. Half way through the movie your thinking, wtf is this thing, and at the end you are surprised. It is as though they just said, “the end” and cut the film. This is all i want to explain, the rest is just what it is.

So I arrived at the theater early, like usual. Graydon shows up and we talk for a bit, then michael and michelle show up. We continue our discourse and begin walking to the theater and then Lydia shows up. As we are mileing around outside talking we snap a few photos and generally talk about different topics of interest. On the periphery of the conversation is whether or not Dr. Korcz will show up. 7:14 he shows up, and we move into the theater to be joined by HLF (Ron). [insert movie experience]

After it is done, we get up and leave. We all in some way complain about the movie, saying that it wasn’t horrible, but it also wasn’t that good. Then we snap a few more photographs and decide to go to Barnes and Noble. Trey decides he needs to head home, so i drop them off at their car and head to B&N.

Imagine this scene, seven very intellegent individuals sitting around a table on a chilly night. Imagine that four of the seven individuals are parents, five of the individuals are philosophically ‘trained’ (i.e. take that for whatever you will), two are graduating and just concieve of what topics will be generated.

Overall, the conversation was spastic, and very disciplined at times. We get into movies, then move into children’s movies, step into hypnosis, maternity, media’s control of human beliefs -> linguistics, politics, movies again, etc. Rough overview. It got bogged down due to my bringing up of a sore issue, about linguistics. I blame trey. He had me thinking about it from earlier. Anyways it was just a great conversation and very enjoyable.

At one point, Michael, Michelle, and Lydia had to leave in which the rest of us retired to a local pool hall called sticks. This is a key moment. I had forgot how much i love pool over the last few years. I really love the game. There is a fluid in the game. If you can tap into the music that plays, you can lose yourself in the game. Your body takes over control of the stick, and you don’t need consciousness butting in and screwing it up. There can be a detatchment of watching angles, rebounding off of angles. Cause and effect. Life can be boiled down to a game pool.

it is all about definition.

So we talk for a while and then at midnight, we split for the night. I take Ronnie to his house where he puts up with me ranting about objective/absolute truthes. I rant about how i hate that the primary argument used against absolute truthes, is the argument from ignorance, i.e. objective truthes don’t exist because you can’t give me one. I ranted about how the above example is true due to the nature of our perception. If you want to relegate absolute truth to an external object that is absolutely true no matter what/how human’s percieve then of course there is no evidence for or against. Which means you can’t claim a truth value about the subjectmatter at hand. We can’t say they exist, nor that they don’t exist, because to do so would mean to be able to break beyond the inate human perspective.

What we can do is come up with truthes of probability. It is more then likely true that there is a physical world in which my senses percieve, and that the physical world has color, light, touch, tastes, etc. It is probably true physical laws operate on physical bodies. It is probably true quantity exists. It is probably true that i do in fact exist. It is probably true that there are social laws governing human interactions that can be interpreted down the line as cause/effect which could lead to the perfect moral code.

I am tired. It just hit me. 3:43 A.M. I will borrow trey’s cable to connect my camera to the internet and find a way to upload the pictures i took onto the internet so all can partake.

beautiful night.

4 Responses to “the night in general.”

  1. mayfly Says:

    glad to hear you had a good time. no comment on my blog? honey, will you or won’t you? i need to know. i’ll buy the tickets, and you don’t have to repay me. this is my bag, not yours, and i know it. still, i’d like to bring you so we could talk about it afterwards. . . honestly, i’m in shock! never in a million years would i have thought this really existed as an art form. it reminds me of that sesame street skit i used to love when i was a kid, the one with the orange with peely lips and fluttery eyes singing wagner. . . remember? i know i told you about it. i mean, sleeping beauty + puppets + italian opera! i will be in heaven! anyway, i should buy the tickets as soon as possible. there are only six shows and i’m scared they’re going to sell out.

  2. mealymel Says:

    sounds like a good time… sorry i missed it.

  3. snaars Says:

    [i:52027ccf41]FIRST HEAD[/i:52027ccf41]: Yes, it was a good time. I think Shakespeare said it best: “Graduating is such sweet sorrow.” [i:52027ccf41]SECOND HEAD (looking quizzically at FIRST HEAD)[/i:52027ccf41]: Or something like that. [i:52027ccf41]FIRST HEAD[/i:52027ccf41]: Hopefully we will all keep in touch, but either way things will be different from here on out. I’m going to miss the walks from class to the parking lot, D-. You’re a great guy, you know that? He’s a good guy, everyone! (sob, sob) [i:52027ccf41]SECOND HEAD (third arm comes up like it’s going to slap FIRST HEAD)[/i:52027ccf41]: Keep it up! Sissy …

  4. arglor Says:

    simply insane…