Work… and other things…
So i got to work. Apparently i’ve been neglecting this blogsphere. I’ll be honest. This is wednesday, and i am actually in a good mood. If i talked to you on the phone monday and Tuesday, then you probably noticed i was not in the most energetic mood. The reason is this, i’ve never had a full time job. I needed to get adjusted to the full-time lifestyle.
Work is easy to sum up.
– Work begins at 9:00 and i wake up at 8:00 to leave by 8:35 to catch the 8:40 train and get to work at 8:59. Oh hell yes that is nice. It is going the opposite direction from all the traffic, meaning i get a seat and for 10-15 minutes i watch as nice scenery passes by.
– I get paid very well. Promotion would mean a 32K + job with really good benefits (law firms give really good benefits).
– I work with exceptionally nice people.
– I do fairly easy work, just time consuming.
– I am overqualified for the job, which means i’m pretty quick with the work needed.
– I am on my feet all day, so interestingly enough i’ve been losing weight. Of course i’ve also been broke, which meant skimping on the food.
there are more but i can’t think of them right now.
– I’m not interested in the job at all. Its accounting. That means counting and printing bills.
– Dressing up every day for work is a bit of a hassel, don’t like slacks very much, had to cut my hair, but not to short.
– Shoes hurt my feet, because i’m walking all the time.
– The Shift isn’t great, 9-5 is the average work day, but it means i have roughly an hour to go to places that close at 6 oclock (banks etc). It also means i could probably not interview with other jobs, although i’m going to be asking for time off if this becomes a problem.
– I’ve been really wiped out at night, yet again i’m not used to the time frame structure etc. It is the first job i’ve every had that required me to be mentally active on an 8 hour structure for five days a week.
– I really find the job boring, heh. 😉
Ok well it looks heavy on the con side, but come on. Most of the cons are cons that i would have for any job. I’m a lazy man, so i found out. I’m making law experience which would be nice for the future. It is really good pay, i was looking at some luxury apartments and thinking that me and Mary could afford them. We could, but they would have to feed us after paying rent 😉 (actually we could afford them easily and food, but in the end All i would be doing is going to work and coming home to this apartment i’m renting and staring at the wall, since i couldn’t afford tv or computers. ha ha)
On the friendship side, yeah its barren. I’ve began an importation gig in fact. I’m talking my brother into moving up here. I think it would be great if he did, in fact he is an idiot for not wanting to. He would so fucking love it up here. Hell he knows that. When we were visiting this place he was in love with it. I think he should move up.
Hideous list of pros to entice WDuluoz, HLF, Snaars, etc into moving up here.
– Legal temp jobs are easy to get apparently with high computer skills, you don’t even need a college degree.
– Bakeries for breakfast are nearby so the hungry worker can stop and get a little delicious pastry cooked by gourmet (or something similar) style.
– The most lively city ever.
– Rent and food in jersey city is equal to rent and food in downtown lafayette.
– The climate rules, today it is 70 degrees or roughly with a cool breeze, whee.
– Entertainment in abundance.
– I’m up here, so you have a friend. Mary is also here so you have 2 friends.
– Jobs aren’t that difficult to find.
– Close to family (Wduluoz and Snaars)
– Some of the best schools are around here.
– If you work for delta legal for more then 70 hours, then i get a hundred bucks extra for referring you. AND its yours if you agree to sign a 6 month -> year lease for an apartment ;).
Ok i could do more but i’m not. I really hope you guys consider moving up here. Hehe i need to import some friends.
P.S. Don’t SHIP YOUR PCS WITH UPS!!!! hehe no word yet if they are going to replace mine, they made the claim on monday, and approval should be soon. I hope.
P.P.S. HLF: I know you probably can’t leave your kids. I respect that. Not to mention your working on getting your bachelor’s degree so it would be horrible of me to expect you to move up here and abandon your current responsibilities.
P. P. P. S. Snaars: I know moving is a big deal because your family is secure where they are, and it is horrible of me to entice you when it is probably impossible for you to make such a move. Oh well i can understand why you couldn’t move also.
P . P . P. ad infinitum: Wilbur: You have no excuses. In the end your only option of course is my happiness. You don’t miss me? You don’t miss New York? feh. Fine. Stay down there.
June 16th, 2005 at 3:54 am
but I dont think its going to possible. I mean the second party involved doesnt even want to consider it. Wilbur
June 16th, 2005 at 7:44 am
[quote:840c9cad04]- The Shift isn’t great, 9-5 is the average work day, but it means i have roughly an hour to go to places that close at 6 oclock (banks etc). It also means i could probably not interview with other jobs, although i’m going to be asking for time off if this becomes a problem. – I’ve been really wiped out at night, yet again i’m not used to the time frame structure etc. It is the first job i’ve every had that required me to be mentally active on an 8 hour structure for five days a week.[/quote:840c9cad04] I’m willing to bet once you get adjusted to the scedule, you’ll find you have time to do plenty of things. Also when you get your circadian rhythm synced up to you new schedule, you’ll have more energy and feel better in general. That’s what happened to me when I started working 7 or 8 in the morning a couple years ago. Took a couple months to get in sync though. [quote:840c9cad04]HLF: I know you probably can’t leave your kids. I respect that. Not to mention your working on getting your bachelor’s degree so it would be horrible of me to expect you to move up here and abandon your current responsibilities.[/quote:840c9cad04] After the birthday party yesterday (Tuesday?) i got a whiff of the slight chance that there’s a remote possibility that they might, after all, wind up moving to Georgia. Nothing definite at this time, but it’s something I expect to happen sooner or later. That being said, I would like to stay in school at least long enough to put a few decant semesters under my belt. At least a year, maybe two. That also being said, I’ve always thought of NY as the place I ultimately wanted to wind up. Time will tell. Ron.
June 16th, 2005 at 1:41 pm
Dunno why he left this off. Yesterday, he made the acquaintance of the controller–his boss’s boss. They talked about various things, like where David was from, his interest in law, and the fact that if an entry level paralegal position opened up in the company, it might be possible for him to transfer. He then asked David how many words he could type a minute. When David said 78, he said, “I need a copy of your resume.” Which David brought with him to work today. And his legal resume kicks ass. If I may say so myself. I kinda helped him with it. I [heart] spin.
June 16th, 2005 at 4:43 pm
Michelle and I have decided to move back up north. We don’t know when, where, or how. But it will have to be soon, meaning probably by the end of the year. So, it’s interesting that you should suggest this at this time. What’s scary is that where you live may be roughly equidistant from where my parents live and where Michelle’s parents live. I think it’s more likely that we will settle a little further south and west of you, though. I’m looking at a big area encompassing the northern tips of Maryland and Delaware, and southeastern Pennsylvania. I wasn’t really looking at New York or New Jersey. There’s a lot to consider and we are just beginning to look at things. Still, if we end up close we could possibly visit you from time to time. But by that time you will probably have sold out to all your high-falutin’ lawyer friends and won’t care about us anymore.
June 16th, 2005 at 5:33 pm
I observed on your blog her concerns, and knew that it was a distinct possibility. So when i wrote this, which is in fact a letter of persuasion to WDuluoz to move up here because i think he can and i think he wants to, it occured to me that i should try and persuade you and HLF to also move up here. It is cool you are going to move back here, and i hope it is close by so i can visit and vice versa. I’m glad to hear it has materialized more then simply a desire. Remember to keep graduate schools in mind, because you can make it in a philosophy masters or doctorate program easily. I’m so pleased you actively considering a move. Before graduation it sounded like you were going to be living in Louisiana for the rest of your life, which isn’t horrible but it saddened me that you couldn’t pursue your desire for an advanced degree in philosophy.
June 16th, 2005 at 5:35 pm
This just hit me, i wrote the invitation distinctly to talk WDuluoz into moving up here and he gives me the only “no”. Thats fucking sad, if you don’t mind my language. He needs to move up here.
June 16th, 2005 at 5:41 pm
I did not say “no”. But I do think by the time I convince Amanda to go up there you will have moved somewhere else. Wilbur
June 17th, 2005 at 1:07 am
i hope it all works out well. I hope you guys move up here. It would be a lot better with all of you up here. It would rule.
June 17th, 2005 at 4:45 am
What? no invitation for me. As a traveling nurse I could, in theory, go anywhere. Hasn’t worked out that way though. Glad to hear that your settling in well up there. I’m jealous. It’s hot as hell here in Phoenix.
June 18th, 2005 at 2:56 pm
it would be awesome if you could come up here stryx… but i never even considered that as an option because of the burden it would create on you. Cons: 1) you would have to work in a new york/new jersey hospital that is need of nurses which would mean that the hospitals aren’t in the best shape. 2) last time we talked you told me you wanted to go to denver and work there if opportunity arose. 3) its new york, and i wasn’t sure you would enjoy living in new york. (I thought you left san antonio because you didn’t like the “urban” side of it.) 4) its about as far away as possible from Michael (if thats still a concern…) Of course i can list a bunch of pros that would make the cons seem unimportant. Pros: 1) You will be in New York, and that looks good on a resume. 2) You will have access to some of the best capitalist locations in the country, i.e. clothing stores, book stores!, theatres, cinemas, concerts, etc. 3) We would be able to hang out a ton on a regular basis, which would be awesome for me. (Not sure it is a plus on your side, ha ha, but all the same we can at least spend time once in awhile getting into debates.) 4) Cultural capital of the world, including jazz and broadway plays. 5) Certainly full of job opportunities. 6) You and Mary would probably have a blast hanging out and visiting the different spots around here. 7) There are some nice national parks around here, and its within driving distance of washington D.C. which would be good to visit (remembers to jot this down on a list so he can do this soon). 8) As soon as WDulouz moves up here, we can have regular dinner parties with the family and discourse. how nice. Oh well it would be awesome for you to move up here. In the end though, the real reason i didn’t consider inviting you is that i didn’t think you were keeping up with this. Since you are, awesome now move to NYC.
June 18th, 2005 at 3:56 pm
[quote:a25af2d07d]In the end though, the real reason i didn’t consider inviting you is that i didn’t think you were keeping up with this.[/quote:a25af2d07d] yeah, stryx. lurkers don’t get invites!!! 😛
June 18th, 2005 at 10:30 pm
I wasn’t so much “lurking” as I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. Just as I began figuring things out, Wilbur goes and changes up the web site. Not nice. If I come up there it would be temporary so I can handle most of the cons on that bases. Doesn’t give me a whole lot of time for the pros though. I already had a friend or two in the region. Now I have more 🙂 It is all dependent on the whims of employment. I just know I’m not ready to settle into one place just yet. Unless I get accepted into grad school, which, after taking the GRE looks rather doubtful. Anyway, I’m stuck in Phoenix till late Aug. Hopefully by then I’ll know where I’m going next.
June 22nd, 2005 at 8:40 pm
So you are lurking here in david’s blog and you completely skipped mine. shame on you. Had the same conversation with Wilbur myself. He changed it after I finally taught apriljazz how to get on and even bookmarked the site. No telling where she is now. by the way, to anyone reading this that wants to contact me…i am temporaryily without an address, soooo i can be reached here until school lets in. then I will be there also. send me a note.