December 2, 2005

oh my god…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 9:05 am

yes you just heard me proclaim myself to a deity and call him my own. Today is my birthday, and i was just given the most perfect birthday present in the world. Somehow Mary got my birthday a plane ticket up here. He is sleeping in the guest bedroom right now. I’m so out of it.

they are some devious fucks let me tell you. She led me to believe she had gotten me an xbox 360, this surpasses that by far. i’ll let her tell you the whole “mind fuck” story. let me just say this. I was on the phone with trey about to get him to buy a graphics card for my christmas present to him, so we could play WoW together, most of yesterday. little did i know he was in airports and taxi’s talking to me. Oh my god when walked into the door. I feel like i’m on Oprah 😉 or something. that’s sad, the only description of my place is using pop television.

I love mary so much, this was such a big fucking surprise. I’ve called my boss and told him that I am not coming in to work. I said trey isn’t going to be down here long and i don’t have any urgent reason to come into work today.

2 Responses to “oh my god…”

  1. dramke Says:

    Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!! Wish I could be a little fly on the wall, but you would have had me in tears…I get to cry here at school. Yes, you have a wonderful girl there. Take good care of her!!!

  2. mayfly Says:

    may be found [url=]here[/url]. and thank you, dramke, for the money. david really was rather broke, after paying rent, so it will help him out a lot.