January 5, 2006


Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 12:28 pm

Mind Explosion.

Wow today is hectic. I’ve been in a crash course on new jersey court regulations. To make it better, i’ve also had a crash course in how the firm handles all of its cases etc.

To make this even better i’m operating on perhaps 5 hours of good sleep. I know that sounds like a lot, but it isn’t great. My brother gave me this awesome game for christmas called “world of warcraft: the board game” and it is fun as hell. Trey and I were playing it last night. I ended up getting to bed at around 1:00 and actually going to sleep around 2:00.

So i’m tired.

To make matters even better, i just found out that we are losing two more paralegals. OH JOY AND RAPTURE!!!!!! I’m so tickeled pink. I will have seniority on not one, but two other individuals and i’m not even done training ;).

This isn’t great, amp up the stress level… the auths go where and how and what? draft attoney’s response to rogs c and then whaa?!


4 Responses to “Whoa!”

  1. mayfly Says:

    if you still find time to post!!! 😉

  2. arglor Says:

    [quote:a69076282a=”mayfly”]if you still find time to post!!! ;)[/quote:a69076282a] kiss my ass. It takes five seconds to check the blogs, and that post took maybe 4 minutes to draft. I’ve been transfered from person to person all day getting detailed discourse shoved down my throat. Don’t get me wrong, I like what i’m learning. I just actually feel overwhelmed at this moment since i’ve found out two thirds of my training crew just handed in their letters of resignation. (today mind you, which means in 2 weeks they are gone) This means that there is only one person left with more then a years experience. 1!!!. Any questions i have, need to be brought about in the next two weeks or I will be forced to ask attorney’s or paralegals. Ok well i’m done. I guess it sounds easier in typeface and less stressful.

  3. mayfly Says:

    i didn’t mean to discount how stressful your job is. my intent was simply to tease you about posting at work. that really sucks about your trainers! 🙁 sorry.

  4. dramke Says:

    Well, I could say “welcome to the real world”, but I know that would just make you really mad. Besides, something doesn’t sound kosher here. Why are all these people leaving. Have you met the head people yet. Are they secret aliens??? Or are they really BAD bosses??? Are just misunderstood???? I will be keeping my fingers crossed that you do not become “the head person” until you know what to do. Keep us posted as to how things are going!