June 13, 2006

It is done.

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 8:34 am

The LSAT is over. How did I do?  I completed it. That is all i can say. I think i did really good on the writing sample. They asked me to evaluate an argument, and i did so with gusto and clear and concise analytical skills. I evaluated the positives and the negatives inherint in his position.

not sure about everything else. I know I got a lot of questions right, but did i get the score i need? no one knows yet… the three-four week waiting session commences.

3 Responses to “It is done.”

  1. mealymel Says:

    at least you feel fairly confident about it… I hope you do well!

  2. snaars Says:

    I was surprised to visit and find that I missed several posts! I hope you did well. Best wishes.

  3. dramke Says:

    Very proud of you no matter what the results are! I can tell that you were well prepared by how you felt. I will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed until you find out. Boy that will be a long time, do you think I will be able to walk in ny that way????hmmmm may have to find some solution. See you soon!