December 13, 2006


Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 11:20 am

So yesterday two things happened, and i firmly believe that when you look for circles you will find them btw. Here are the circles i’ve found.

First i had my review. I was well rewarded for the work i do, but some things came out exactly like i thought they would. All of this comes to a point that I have been having problems lately agreeing with the kind of job i perform, and the product that i produce. So this has a bunch of additional difficulties.

Secondly a friend of mine, who i will refer to as B, passed away back in Louisiana. I was told his lungs just gave out. B was 28 years old. The obvious questions are raised, and we can all manifest our own answers. When i review the evidence i think it resulted from an occupational Hazard. I worked with B for a long time at an industrial warehouse that specializes in the production of Liquid Mud. B worked on a daily basis with several chemicals that would be used in the creation of LM. Several of these chemicals were dust form. B and I used to get into small arguments regarding proper protective clothing. He would often forgo certain things because he was young and invincible. It is a tregedy that the above statement wasn’t an accurate portrayl of reality.

B is survived by one young daughter and a wife.

Back to work for me.

2 Responses to “Irony?”

  1. mayfly Says:

    it took me a minute to see the pattern (what the above anecdotes could be taken to mean together), but now i see it. . . i’m sorry about your friend. i love you. p.s. i will see you tonight at neutral ground after my final. i will be buying my own food, but not yours, as previously planned, because i bought yours last night, ok? and i’m so broke at the moment. . . no raise or bonus for yours truly.

  2. snaars Says:

    Sorry to hear about your friend.