January 4, 2007

Death to the vile virus of our current day!

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 2:17 pm

I went down south last week, and one day i may or may not tell you exactly how it went.

Summation:Â I enjoyed the trip a lot.

The problem is i’m sick. I got home two days ago to crawl up in bed and get a stomach virus. It has been hell these last few days. i’m going to go lay down.

3 Responses to “Death to the vile virus of our current day!”

  1. mayfly Says:

    Awww, that was this morning, and last night, and yesterday. You’re doing fine this afternoon! By one, your fever had gone below 100 of its own volition, and you had actually gotten out of bed! Also. You ate toast! And at least one cookie! You’re acting rather frisky for a sickie if you ask me. Now yesterday, and last night, was another story. Yesterday, and last night, you were quite ill. Yesterday… But today… it’s quite obviously a day of Re-Cov-Er-Y. GET WELL BIG PAPA! hearts, Snoogie P.S. If you would respond to my blog, like ever, I wouldn’t have to taunt you so mercilessly on yours. P.P.S. Wow. In the time it took me to write this, you got up from your computer and went back to bed. Are you psychic? PSYCHIC SICKIE!

  2. girlbean Says:

    Wow, I was really worried. I mean, you came to work with pins in your foot and all…but a stomach virus is no joke.

  3. dramke Says:

    Hope this note finds you well.