December 15, 2004


Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 3:57 pm

If i get World of Warcraft for christmas i might have to decline going to new york with Mary. Girlfriend versus video game…

hehe she would kill me… specially since i’m relying on her to get it for me… if she doesn’t get it for me i won’t get it i don’t believe…

it is official… ebay is selling WoW collector’s edition for 150$ and higher… holy sheet….. expensive… after christmas i’m going to have to save up some money… if there are any left of course..

December 14, 2004

ok… ukraine revised (added names on December 15th)

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 11:34 pm

an interesting interpretation of the changing climate in the Ukraine.

I think my descriptions were vague… and misleading so i re-edited them…

two factions fighting for power,
Faction number 1:
Candidate: Viktor Yanukovych
allegidly corrupt and previous administration. Atheistic in religious leaning. *important* This faction is openly and heavily supported by the russian government. On the election day, Putin was recorded as giving his congrats to this faction’s candidate.

Faction number 2,
Candidate: Viktor Yushchenko
They are allegidly the victims of a corrupt and oppressive conspiracy to fix the elections. Video tape were released by our media about the surrounding events and much was made headlines about their corrupt elections. There has been heavy involvement between American agencies in support of this faction’s election. All involvement is covert. i.e. the american government has not claimed to support this side politically, but our government organizations’ actions speak differently. This faction’s religious leaning is a revitalization of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

my point?

The Cold war was not too long ago. With the dissassembling of the USSR, the belief is that there is no threat. The reality still exists that nuclear warheads exist in large numbers within both governments. Putin has recently been heard giving very coarse analyses of american involvement overseas, not surprising of course since it is the fashionable thing for a foreign/non-american country to do these days.

All of this information was obtained from a PBS newshow called the newshour. I watched it a little bit ago. My professor of anthropology told me not to long ago that we should keep an eye out for this part of the world because there is a religious background that might make it more then what it appears to be. He has a tendency to boil down every conflict to a concern for religion. He might have a point, but he also might be failing to recognize the cause. It could be the fact that religion is caused by the same thing that causes war, individuality.

Mary and I were discussing the us -> them complex shared by every culture in existence. It hit me that this is simply a method of becoming individualized. Once we define ourselves we automatically define what is not us. It is common to use this understanding in creating immoral and moral actions. Why are blacks slaves? “They” are not “us”. objectification… this is all not new… but i thought it was interesting to re-evaluate the information about the Ukraine.

I keep getting swamped in quantum mechanics when i attempt to figure out if these guys are recognized as full of shit in the overall scheme of physics community or accepted as understood.

My current belief is like michael’s and others have said, they are credible in their field but their claims go far beyond their field’s expertese. When they argue points they cannot prove by qualifing them with, “just imagine if” and “what if” you see it become blatant.

December 13, 2004

Ok here i begin…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 9:36 pm

I threw around the movie, “What the #$%^ do we know?” and Dr. Korcz read a review about it that claimed the movie was fiction. In fact he said that the review talks about how the people in the movie are actually actors… so my interest is perked…

but no such luck…

Amit Goswami, Ph.D
– taught at the university of oregon for 34 years..
– published many books but all titles have strange ideas behind them.
— The Self-Aware Universe
— Quantum Creativity
— Physics of the Soul
— The Visionary Window (Quest Books, 2000).
— He also wrote a textbook on Quantum Mechanics that is well regarded and used.
-His education was in India with a Ph.D. degree in physics from Calcutta.
of five books,

John Hagelin
-Ohh some controversy here… supposedly he claims to have authored the superstring theory… i guess oh well i’m grasping at straws on wonky websites… here is the url: hehe yeah i know… go figure… I’m hot for controversy…

OHhhhhhh interesting little article from a website a little more credible then (hehe god that was a horrible citation)

CRAP i’ve stumbled on a nest of controversy.. and conspiracy theories…

this is kewl…. i want to know MORE! i’ll post more information when i can look at this more…

December 11, 2004


Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 11:15 pm

i had two hours sleep last night but i can’t go back to sleep for some reason… wierd… i think i’m literally suffering from insomnia… strange… haven’t had this in a while… it is like i’m biding my time for something to happen…

probably going to finish blackbeard tonight…

I hate work…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 6:57 pm

I’m at work and beside the actual labor when it occurs it is also just difficult to think… so many things interrupt me like the simple existence inside a house with three other men who range from variously different tastes… television screams from all directions…

i’m just tired… 5 1/2 days.. so it is not so bad…

This entry is my friend Michael’s review of “What the #$*! Do We Know”

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 9:56 am

Okay, i sat through the WHOLE movie. This is the kind of train wreck that happens when chemists and physicists and stuff try to do philosophy. Yeah, ok, there were a few parts that weren’t half bad. There were some really good quotes. Parts were very entertaining. Ultimately not a bad movie except it offended my sensibilities as a philosopher.

Basically, the thesis of the movie was that we are all ‘gods’ – that the mind is wonderful and mysterious and full of untapped infinite potential – that we alter our surroundings through thought alone – that we create our own reality. If we could only muster enough faith in ourselves, we could quite literally walk on water. The ‘science’ used to justify all this was quantum mechanics and biochemistry. As far as quantum mechanics goes, I just don’t see what that has to do with the layer of reality we experience on a day-to-day basis. So WHAT if subatomic particles are more like fields of probability than anything physical? So WHAT if they seem to go away when we’re not looking at them? (I mean, what doesn’t?) So WHAT if these particles may pop in and out of existence and we don’t know where they go or where they came from? I mean, sure it’s interesting, but we’re talking about subatomic particles, not my cat. If I had one. Which I don’t. So there. The way it’s presented in the movie, quantum physics allows us to transcend time, space, and substance or something.

The stuff dealing with biochemistry was not half bad, I think, although that’s not something I know a lot about. They explained the relationship between the brain and the cells, and about how patterns of behavior actually reinforce themselves through neurochemistry and other stuff. They had some neat little animated ‘cells’ that were quite entertaining – one of them danced and sang ‘Addicted to Love’ by Robert Palmer. There is a fabulously entertaining scene at a wedding reception with dancing and music and little animated hormones running amok. One of my favorites quotes from the movie is from this scene. A guy is complaining to a bridesmaid that she dipped her shrimp in the sauce twice, and she says, “I’m the sister of the bride – I can put my ASS in the dip if I want to!” Well, I guess you’d have to see it, but you probably shouldn’t bother.

In the middle of that was a complete excoriation of organized religion. There is no such thing as good and evil, according to the movie, just choices – so how dare those pesky religions coerce us into living any particular lifestyle by inflicting on us their system of cosmic punishments and rewards? Not so bad – I’m a recovering fundamentalist myself. Fundamentalist religion gets no sympathy from me. But I just can’t help thinking that if I CHOOSE to pick up an axe and start chopping everybody up, that would be really bad. Really. Even worse, what if someone else did it to me? Is that not evil, but simply a choice?

The movie had an uplifting, powerful, positive message. Too bad a lot of it was just plain wrong. I feel sorry for the unsuspecting public!

Oh, but here’s the scary part. At the end they provide citations. All the commentators explain their degrees and qualifications. They’re all highly educated folks and active in their fields. So, David, they were all supposed to know wht they were talking about.

December 10, 2004

eh??? what?

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 10:28 pm

Your Dominant Intelligence is Godlike.

You are talented at all things mortal. You explain yourself to no one.
An all around powerful presence, you can manipulate anything on the fly.
You are also good at heart and convincing to anyone who hears your words.
A master of material manipulation, you enjoy expanding your following.

You would make a awesome prophet, martyr, monk, saint, lover, wanderer, messiah, philosopher, priest-prophet-monk-lover-poet-philosopher combination, or God.

What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

hehe i knew it..
really i did…
it is no surprise..

No one ever beleived me when i claimed ultimate power… perhaps a few of you will now…. don’t mess with me… because you’ve met your maker…

New information…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 10:06 pm

There are a few cool movies coming out soon that i think i will enjoy..

Willy Wonka is a link to a trailer of willy wanka…

Batman Begins is a link to a trailer for batman begins…

both movies sound like very interesting films…

We have a new lurker/poster in our midst… his name is Michael… i’ve mentioned him earlier… he is a fellow philosophy major at University of Louisiana at Lafayette…

what else is there… War of the Worlds is being produced by Steven Spielburg and one of the main actors is Tom Cruise… not sure how this is going to be… oh hell i know what it is going to be and it is called crap…

Last night turned out well… i watched a very beautiful love story called, “The Notebook” and i went to Cafe Cottage and read a little of Blackbeard… still haven’t finished the book because Nietzsche happened… like a plague Nietzsche destroyed my social reading scene…

Amanda is going for her GRE tomorrow… hope she does well…

I’m studying for my GRE coming up… december 22nd… oh joy…

ok i’m done.. nuff typing…

December 9, 2004


Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 8:28 pm

heh the notebook was a beautiful story… very beautiful..

i’m going to cafe cottage.. grab something to drink…


Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 6:44 pm

and then it fell through and the world moved on to a new plan…

Mike said that since the movie was 2 hours and 33 minutes it was too long for them… so that plan is abandoned… and now i sit bored… hmm knew this would happen…

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