September 25, 2005

OK ok this is a quickie blog post to keep you guys up to date…

Filed under: Entries — arglor @ 11:14 pm

And also to structure a system in which i will be updating this information. To begin with, I will in fact be updating my blog more readily. I have instituted a plan that will ensure that at least twice a week the blog will be updated.

The reason for lack of bloging is that since i’ve begun searching for jobs, my free time is spent divided between fun things and redoing my resume/coverletter and searching for more job opportunities.

Before i continue, let me take a moment and make a statement. Katrina was a horrendous occurance for the south-eastern portion of Louisiana, and in a small way I was pleased my family had escaped unscathed. Then Rita stepped up.

My family is currently living out of the Hilton in Lafayette. The future of their home is bleak. When Rita struck apparently the storm surge has caused massive flood damage. Spatterings of reports leave very little hope for My family’s home escaping untouched. This means that very possibly, My family will not have a home to go home to. The school my mother teaches at in Henry Louisiana has been flooded, and there is some concern that my father’s office in Intracoastal actually has water inside it (surprising since it was build on piers at least 16 ft above the normal sea level.)

I recieved this news as of Saturday. Let us just hope that this all goes by with the minimalist damage whatsoever. At least my family is still in one piece, and alive. That is certainly one way of looking at it.

ok these are some Future Post Hints:
1) I’ve recently gone to a philosophy colloquiem that discussed the topic entitled, “Liberalism and the psychology behind moral identities.” It was very entertaining but also cryptic to me in some senses. I have to try and rebuild the discussion from my mind and that will take time. It also will require some severe remembering. Anyways, this is my first and foremost project.

2) I will discuss my recent weekend’s events that consist of visiting Washington D.C. I went to the maryland renaissance fair. It was a great time overall. There were some rocky moments, specially driving back with Mary. Sometimes we just cannot talk to each other in a manner the other finds attractive. It always escalates into something that shouldn’t happen. All the same, i’m sure no long term feelings were hurt. All that is necessary is that we should spend a couple days apart. (Weeks? perhaps months? teee-heee….)

3)Third topic of discourse will be about yojimbo and Kirosawa’s filming techniques. I will attempt to analyze this movie in a manner that is a search for his artistic streak.

One Response to “OK ok this is a quickie blog post to keep you guys up to date…”

  1. mayfly Says:

    i feel terrible about what is going on down there. i wish we could do more to help…