February 9, 2007

The Golden Lie… or not quite so.

Filed under: Entries,Open — arglor @ 5:15 pm

Here we go. This is what I want to see. Could this blow up in the administration’s face? I’d love to find out Bush mechanistically puppeteered (sp? word?) this entire facade from the top. Its not going to happen, but it would be nice if they at least got Cheney on the stand and he testifies that “We do what we do to keep you safe…. you want us in the oval office… you need us in that oval office… You sleep better at night knowing men like me have.” Perhaps he will even throw in a “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!”


Libby lied under oath… that put a young woman’s life in danger… in protection of a war… that is still going on… and is still unfounded as it was when the war began. I love it. I only wish the government would begin investigation proceedings for potential impeachment. I wish Libby would confess that “It isn’t my fault, I did what I was told to do.”… I just wish that the war would be Bush’s Monica Lewinski. I forgot that Clinton got impeached. He was officially impeached.

Only after he was successfully impeached, was he acquitted.

I’m so confused as to what the president’s job is. Protect and serve the populace in honesty and clarity of action, or maintain fidelity to his/her wife/husband. It has been said before a million times, I am more afraid of a person who lies at his job then a man who lies about his personal life.

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