minor discourse
Below are two articles given to me by Michael.
December 23rd, Kitty cloned…. The first sale of a cloned kitty occured not to long ago…. 50,000 dollars… the owner says it is identical… published in the New York Times… i think on 12-23-04
A surprise-hit film has renewed interest in applying quantum mechanics to consciousness, spirituality and human potential
more hot debate on that wonderful film released not to long ago called “what the bleep do we know”….
hmmmm so we go even further into the black abyss and see he has sent me a link to a website about information from “the edge of our knowledge” This is a place where people postulate without evidence or good argument….
my question is this.. i see people apply morals to religions and use it interchangably. This is a failure in my eyes because it is assuming people without religion are without morals…. they are not synonomous….
Yet we use it that way…. why did people vote for bush, moral issues the media claimed… this boggles me… when did war not become a moral issue? why are homosexual relations moral/immoral and war not? odd that…
when we catagorize things we tend to negate other things.. if i say homosexuality is a moral issue then say that moral issues were the fundamental reason bush was elected, is it safe to assume based on the previous information that kerry was immoral in the eyes of the majority of voters? or is there an ambiguity as to how people use the phrase morality… i think the latter… but i don’t know for certain..
January 11th, 2005 at 5:26 pm
[quote:f5d8c90426] or is there an ambiguity as to how people use the phrase morality… i think the latter… but i don’t know for certain.. [/quote:f5d8c90426] Of course there’s ambiguity… however, those who envoke that word, “morality” or “morals” think they are all using it in the same way, and that it means the same to everyone across the board. Perhaps the immorality of gay marriage was a red herring leading away from the immorality of the war, esp. in pre-election political rhetoric? Just a thought.
January 11th, 2005 at 8:27 pm
[quote:491939c8dc]Perhaps the immorality of gay marriage was a red herring leading away from the immorality of the war, esp. in pre-election political rhetoric? Just a thought. [/quote:491939c8dc] Pretty sure the Bush administration and their evil Republican cohorts at the State level put the gay marriage shit on the agenda to draw out the conservative religious right vote, in order to put Bush over the top. In my opinion.
January 13th, 2005 at 2:10 pm
Have you been listening to his remarks about social security? Still once again he makes a fool of himself. But no one questions that he spent the surplus. At least no one that can be heard over the airways. Then he has the audacity to spend over 40 million on his inaugural festivities. But of course, he is King George!
January 13th, 2005 at 2:11 pm
Have you been listening to his remarks about social security? Still once again he makes a fool of himself. But no one questions that he spent the surplus. At least no one that can be heard over the airways. Then he has the audacity to spend over 40 million on his inaugural festivities. But of course, he is King George!
January 15th, 2005 at 4:20 pm
[quote:d86c290e99=”dramke”]Have you been listening to his remarks about social security? Still once again he makes a fool of himself. But no one questions that he spent the surplus. At least no one that can be heard over the airways. Then he has the audacity to spend over 40 million on his inaugural festivities. But of course, he is King George![/quote:d86c290e99] No, unfortunately, I don’t have the stomach to actually seek out his remarks… Don’t have TV… I only read what makes it to the major news websites, and of course, what David deigns to tell me. I’m so irresponsible, I know, but especially when I’m busy, intermittent ignorance is intermittent bliss. I just read a short story a friend of mine wrote about a quirky, flaky future artist/lesbian who is a senior in high school as Bush is re-elected. The debate team goes to D.C. during Thanksgiving break. She fantasizes about defeating him in a kung fu challenge, but only ends up raising her hand when they run into him in the White House and telling him if she had been old enough to vote, it wouldn’t have been for him. The author had named the story “The Field Trip,” but I’m going meet the author for lunch right now to critique it (along with she, the beginning of my novel), and I’m going to tell her I think she should change the name to “I Want to Kill the Kung Fu President.” 😆